Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 893 893 Marcus And Mrazivý Vs Zilre And Igna (2)

'Waning Gibbous Crash.'

Following up on his assault against Igna, Marcus spun his scythe up above his head and brought it down with both hands.

A powerful wave of mana was launched out of the scythe as he used another of his powerful moon style attack skills.

In response, Igna extend her adamantine claw blades that were her favored weapons and attempted to catch the powerful attack Marcus had unleashed.

Using her own mana, she was able to push back against Marcus' attack, and perhaps if she had several dozens of kilometers to fly backwards while reducing the power she would have been able to defuse the attack, but as large as the stage was, it did not go anywhere near the far.

Igna soon found herself, pressed up against the arena's barriers as Marcus' attack slowly crushed her.

It was but a moment later that Marcus saw something fly by him out of the periphery of his vision.

A loud crash then impacted against the other side of the barrier and Marcus watched Mrazivý skid down with burns dotting her body.

He then turned his attention towards Zilre and found that she had entered her awakened state and was exhibiting the full power of a Magma Leopard Beastperson.

When Marcus turned towards her, he found that Zilre had raised her spiked club towards him, and with a heavy swing she slammed it into the stage.

Plumes of magma shot up out of the stage in a sight line coming out from where her club had impacted.

Soon Marcus' vison was dyed completely orange and red as the magma came straight towards him at an incredibly fast pace.

Luckily the attack was not infused with any spiritual energy and Marcus simply went back into his ghost form and flew through it.

When he reappeared, he was right in front of Zilre and attacked with another of his moon style skills.

'First Quarter Star.'

Like a blur his scythe stuck from above, to the right side, then the bottom, and finally from the left side.

The attack moved so fast it seemed that each slash came at the same moment.

Zilre failed to block the first of the slashes as she had not imbued her weapon or armor with spiritual energy, and it was only due to her instincts that she moved to the side and only took a glancing wound down her left side.

The next three attacks she managed to receive, but Marcus was certain now that Zilre was not very adept at using spiritual energy like her sister was.


Blocking Zilre's counterattack, Marcus barely held onto his scythe as he was blasted back by a single swing of her club.

Feeling the power behind her swing, Marcus now understood how even Mrazivý was blown back by this attack.

Thankfully, he was able to prevent himself from crashing into the barrier as she had by quickly using his Light Speed Movement unique skill to turn into a ball of light and shot back towards the ground.

When he became corporal again after turning into light, he could see Mrazivý fighting on the other side of the stage with Igna. Just like her sister the younger twin had activated her awakening and used its power to escape from Marcus' attack.

Mrazivý seemed to be on the back foot dealing with her right now, but he knew that she still had not used any of her unique skills or powerful race abilities, so he was not worried.

'The problem is Zilre. I do not think I can break her easily without being able to use any magic other than what I already cast on myself. I will probably have to use Embodiment of Darkness at the very least if I want to beat her.' Marcus thought.

However, he had been hoping to conceal as many of his unique skills as he could until the finals.

So far all he had actively used was Light Speed Movement, but he did not see it allowing him to beat Zilre on its own.

While using the power of her awakening she was incredibly resilient, and the wound Marcus had given her had already faded.

Of course, this was not a one-on-one match, and Marcus had his partner to rely on as well.

'Mraz, I am going to create an opening for you. Make sure to strike even if I am in the way.' Marcus said, using his telepathy.

Mrazivý sent him a positive response, and Marcus regained Zilre who was a perfect example of a raging berserker.

Using his greater agility and Light Speed Movement unique skill, Marcus ran circles around Zilre and led her by the nose.

He added in a few attacks every now and then, but he was not able to get past her guard again and deal any significant damage.

'Perforation Strike.'

Using his defense piercing attack skill Marcus kept Zilre's attention firmly on him, and she made sure to block whenever he used this attack.

While she would allow his less damaging attacks though since they did almost no damage, she always met this one with her club.

However, while her visage as a fiery giant made her look like a berserker, Zilre was actually perfectly calm and able to strategize just as well as anyone else.

Slowly she started to analyze Marcus' movement patterns and eventually she caught him right as he was reappearing after using his Light Speed Movement Unique skill.

Marcus had figured he would be more than capable of dodging her club from this position when she swing at him, but Zilre did not use her main weapon this time.

She was capable with more than just her best weapons and out of her item box she pulled out a huge, weighted net made of adamantine that she tossed around Marcus.

He tried to phase through it but found that Zilre had infused it with her spiritual energy even if it was a bit sloppy.

'Mraz, I made and opening. Do it now!' Marcus shouted over his telepathy as he watched a magma infused club coming down on top of him.

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