Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 894 894 Marcus And Mrazivý Vs Zilre And Igna (3)

Right before Marcus was smashed into the stage by Zilre's club that was teaming with mana and magma, Marcus created a Dark Portal behind him and slipped out of the net that he had been caught up in.

He reappeared around five meters above Zilre and watched where he had been moments ago getting crushed and bathed in magma. Clearly Zilre had not been holding back on that attack and intended to defeat Marcus even if it killed him.

Of course, Marcus had escaped thanks to one of his unique skills and was now poised to strike from above.

However, he was not the only one taking advantage of this opening. Mrazivý had launched her own attack the instant after Marcus told her to.

A huge blast of cold was flying directly towards Zilre, as Mrazivý had used her breath attack.

The beam of cold impacted Zilre just a moment after she had finished her full power attack against Marcus, and a huge plume of steam erupted around her.

Her burning aura fought against the extreme cold of Mrazivý's attack, and thanks to it she did not end up completely frozen.

Still, taking a huge blast of cold energy as Zilre had, weakened her quite a bit, and Marcus seeing down from above with his scythe.

'Powerful Slash.'

Using the first attack skill he had ever learned Marcus brought his weapon down on Zilre, but he never reached her body.

Before his scythe as able to hit, Zilre used her Unwavering Wall unique skill to block the attack.

A powerful shield had formed around her body, and Marcus' scythe was unable to push through at all.

'Damn, this thing is tough.' Marcus thought, as he was forced back by the recoil of his own attack.

Naturally it made sense that he could not break through. Zilre had used a unique skill meant purely for defense. Marcus' normal attack skill was never going to breach it.

'Its not as powerful as Lyra's Reflector Shield, but it certainly covered a wider area.'

Having been unable to finish Zilre off as he planned, Marcus turned towards Mrazivý who was fighting with Igna on the other side of the Arena and made his way over to them.

Turning into a ball of light, Marcus traveled the distance in less than an instant and reappeared right behind Igna. Flanking her with Mrazivý.

Zilre noticed her sister suddenly being double-teamed, rushed over, but she could not move even close to as fast as Marcus.

For a single second seconds Igna had to deal with both Marcus and Mrazivý, and her usual fighting style of using her phantom from race ability to slip away was completely ineffective.

Mrazivý was quite adept at using spiritual energy and Marcus was able to turn his body intangible just as Igna was. She did not have any hope of getting away from them.

Almost immediately Igna was unable to block one of their attacks properly, and with a sharp slash Mrazivý sliced her left arm clean off.

However, neither she nor Marcus were able to make a follow up attack, as Zilre had caught up to them now and unleashed a heavy swing at them with wild abandon.

She had aimed for Marcus first but noticing that her weapon was not infused with any spiritual energy Marcus simply went ethereal and let it pass harmlessly through him.

Yet what might have seen like a grave mistake at first, was actually Zilre's intention.

Just as Marcus had, Igna pashed outside of normal reality and Zilre's club passed right through her and impacted the last person in its way.

Mrazivý, unable to let the weapon pass through her as Marcus and Igna had, could only meet the blazing weapon with her saber.

She dug her heels in and tried to brace herself, but she was unable to stand up tot eh brute force behind Zilre's swing.

Once again Mrazivý was launched across the arena and this time she was caught up in a blazing ball of magma.

This left Marcus to face both opponents alone, though Igna was certainly not in any condition to fight at full power with her left arm missing.

Still, Marcus did not stick around, he created another Dark Portal and slipped through it to where Mrazivý had landed.

When he saw her, he felt a pang in his chest since she was pretty badly burned all over.

She may have had the fire resistance skill, but there was no way she could fully mitigate the damage that Zilre's magma attacks could deal.

'Spirit Healing.'

A white glow coming from Marcus' hands enveloped Mrazivý and her wounds quickly healed thanks to his assistance and her own high-speed regeneration skill.

"That certainly did not feel good." Mrazivý said once she was back on her feet.

"I think it is time we change up our strategy." Marcus said, turning his gaze towards their opponents.

Like them, Zilre and Igna had prioritized recovering, and with her sister's help holding her severed arm in pace, Igna had managed to reattach it thanks to her own regeneration skill.

But before the battle could resume, the crowd started booing and shouting out that Marcus and Mrazivý were cheaters.

Mrazivý's breath attack and Marcus' spirit healing specter power had looked like magic to them, and they assumed that this was a breach of rule stating that no magic could be cast during the matches.

This led to a massive uproar and even the announcer could not seem to get things under control as his voice was being drowned out.


A thunderous roar of a voice blasted through the arena even over the hundreds of thousands of discontent voices calling for Marcus and Mrazivý to be disqualified for using magic.

Everyone's gaze turned towards the source of this voice, and Marcus saw Ghazi's standing at the top of the arena with a stern look on his face.

"The arena has enchantments to detect the use of magic! It has not been activated, meaning that whatever powers that have been used in this match are not magic! All any of you need to do is enjoy watching the match. Let those that are jugging the matches to do their jobs!" Ghazi shouted out so that everyone in the arena would hear him. Bringing a quick end to the commotion.

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