Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 222 The Chamber Of Shadow [Part 2]

Villain Ch 222. The Chamber of Shadow [Part 2]

But of course, even with all the preparation, the test was not that easy.

Frustration gnawed at Allen's resolve as he encountered dead ends repeatedly. Despite his preparation for the labyrinth's deceptive nature, the continuous series of dead ends was undeniably aggravating. Each time he believed he had discovered the correct path, he would reach a dead end, forcing him to retrace his steps and search for an alternative route.

The monotony of the labyrinth's seemingly endless corridors became exasperating. The walls and passageways blurred together, creating an overwhelming sense of déjà vu. Every turn he took, every corridor he explored, felt eerily similar to the previous ones.

With each dead end, a wave of annoyance washed over him, but he refused to succumb to despair. He had expected this challenge, knowing that the labyrinth was designed to test his patience and perseverance. He took a deep breath, attempting to quell his mounting frustration, and reminded himself that he had come too far to give up now.

[The time is up!]

[You have failed. Please try again!]

Once the announcement appeared, the loading screen replaced it. Allen returned to the evolution room where a flickering light illuminated a figure standing before him. It was the same ghostly NPC who had teleported him to the chamber.

"You have failed to pass the obstacle," the NPC intoned solemnly, his voice carrying an air of finality. "But worry not, the path to evolution is not easily traversed. You may attempt the test again."

Exhaling a heavy sigh, Allen reached into his inventory and retrieved a handful of health and mana potions. He quickly consumed them, feeling a revitalizing surge coursing through his veins. The soothing energy mended his wounds and replenished his depleted demonic power.

Feeling invigorated, Allen prepared himself for another attempt. Though the challenge ahead seemed daunting, he reminded himself that each failure was a stepping stone toward success. With renewed determination, he entered the labyrinth once again, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any familiar markers.

It took Allen three grueling attempts to pass the first test of the labyrinth. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to escape the traps entirely. The pressure was on, as the clock ticked relentlessly, leaving him no choice but to keep pushing forward without a moment's respite.

Each time he ventured into the labyrinth, Allen found himself faced with the same daunting obstacles. The spikes, the arrows, the swinging blades—no matter how fast he moved, they seemed to anticipate his every step.

As Allen finally managed to navigate through the treacherous labyrinth, he emerged into a vast, open space. The sight that greeted him took his breath away. It resembled a grand hall or, more accurately, a gladiatorial arena. The room was spacious, with towering walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting battles and victories.

[Congratulations! You have successfully passed the first test!]

[Second test: survival.]

[Objective: Kill all the monsters and survive this test until the time is up!]

[Remaining time: 9:59]

His eyes were drawn to the four colossal doors situated at different corners of the room. They stood as imposing gateways, each leading in a different direction. Allen realized the significance of this sight.

"Surprise me," he challenged as he activated his Demonic Aura skill. His eyes swept around him, ready to kill whatever came.

The air grew heavy with anticipation as a thunderous sound of stomping feet reverberated throughout the hall. The ground beneath Allen's feet trembled in response, announcing the arrival of his opponents. The large doors swung open, revealing a horde of goblins charging toward him with wild, savage intent.

Without hesitation, Allen unleashed his demonic orbs, summoning their dark energy to his aid. The orbs spun around him, emitting an eerie glow that illuminated the hall. As the goblins closed in, he hurled the orbs toward them, each impact unleashing a devastating explosion that sent the creatures flying in all directions.

But the battle was far from over. As the smoke cleared, Allen's demonic claws manifested, covering his hands with razor-sharp, obsidian-like appendages. With agility and precision, he darted between the remaining goblins, his claws slicing through their ranks with lethal efficiency.

The clash of steel and the cries of both victory and defeat filled the air. Allen's movements became a blur as he engaged in a graceful dance of combat. He ducked, dodged, and countered with lightning-fast strikes, making use of his demonic prowess to swiftly dispatch his enemies.

As the defeated goblins lay lifeless on the floor, their bodies began to disintegrate into ethereal particles, dissipating into the air. The battle had taken its toll, yet there was no time for respite. Without warning, the ground beneath Allen rumbled, and from the remaining doors, a new wave of monsters emerged.

Leading the charge was a group of massive earthworm-like creatures, known as Sandshriekers. Their slimy, segmented bodies writhed as they slithered forward with an eerie grace.

Sensing the need for a decisive move, Allen used his Hellfire Rain skill. The air crackled with anticipation as he summoned a torrent of fiery rain to descend upon the Sandshriekers. Flames erupted from the ground, engulfing the creatures in a blazing inferno.

The screeches pierced the air as they writhed in agony, their bodies consumed by the relentless onslaught of fire. Each creature succumbed to the searing heat, collapsing into smoldering piles of charred flesh. The room was filled with the acrid scent of burnt earth and the fading echoes of their cries.

For a moment, silence enveloped the chamber as the last embers of the inferno died down. Allen's chest heaved with exertion, his demonic claws still radiating with residual heat. He had vanquished the Sandshriekers with his formidable Hellfire Rain skill, delivering critical elemental hits that left no room for mercy.

Minutes passed, and the waves of monsters continued to pour into the arena, Allen realized that the challenge was escalating. The creatures became more ferocious, their levels soaring higher than before. He couldn't afford to stall or hesitate for even a moment, for with each passing second, another wave threatened to overwhelm him.

The intensity of the battle was relentless, both physically and mentally draining. Allen's heart pounded in his chest as he fought with all his might, his mind focused solely on the task at hand. There were no teammates to rely on or comrades to watch his back. It was a solitary fight for survival. So, to maintain his stamina and sustain his onslaught, Allen strategically relied on his area skills and Soul Siphon.

He knew this relentless onslaught of monsters served as valuable practice, a simulation of what he might face in the future. It was an opportunity to sharpen his skills, hone his instincts, and prepare himself for the harsh battle against the players.

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