Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 223 The Chamber Of Shadow [Part 3]

Villain Ch 223. The Chamber of Shadow [Part 3]

[Warning! Your HP is 30% remaining!]

Allen grunted in pain as the ice lance pierced through his armor, leaving a cold searing sensation in its wake. The warning about his dwindling HP only served to add to his sense of urgency. With beads of sweat trickling down his forehead, he knew he had to finish this battle quickly before his health reached a critical level.

He was hovering in mid-air, his wings flapping behind him with an air of defiance. Despite his formidable appearance, his condition told a different story. Blood stained his armor, a grim testament to the severity of his injuries.

Grimacing, Allen shifted his focus to the turtle monster before him.

Ice Turtle <Level 72>

The monstrous creature with a massive shell adorned with deadly ice spikes. Its level indicated the sheer strength and power it possessed. This was no ordinary opponent.

Panting heavily, Allen felt the throbbing pain reverberating through his body, transmitted by the sensor device he wore. Due to his character, he had never expected to experience such sensations within the game. Yet, here he was, pushed to his limits by these relentless monsters.

The mob of creatures swarmed around him, their relentless onslaught making it difficult for him to find a moment of respite. He had employed various strategies and even utilized his flying skill and Stone Curse to evade their attacks, but their sheer numbers overwhelmed him. They were nearly on par with his own level, presenting a formidable challenge that he had not anticipated.

"This is too much," he muttered under his breath, frustration etched across his face. His eyes darted to the countdown timer, watching the seconds tick away at an agonizingly slow pace.

[Remaining time: 5:41]

"Seriously?" Allen clicked his tongue in annoyance. How could time seem to stretch and elongate at a moment when every second mattered? It felt like an eternity as he desperately fought to survive amidst the chaos.

Grim determination flickered in his eyes, fueled by the realization that he had no choice but to push through. He couldn't afford to let despair consume him. Gritting his teeth, he unleashed his Hellfire Rain skill.

Allen's Hellfire Rain skill descended upon the Ice Turtles with unrelenting fury. The flames licked at their icy exteriors, engulfing them in a sea of searing heat. The air crackled with the intensity of the fire as it consumed their icy forms, but to Allen's dismay, the damage inflicted seemed minimal.

The Ice Turtles, being creatures of the ice element, were resilient against fire-based attacks. Their frigid shells and icy bodies provided a natural defense against the scorching flames. While the Hellfire Rain skill was devastating against most foes, it struggled to overcome the elemental advantage possessed by these particular monsters. While his Stone Curse wasn't much of a help as long as he didn't kill them right away.

With a chilling roar, they unleashed their own ice-based skills, casting a frigid aura around the battlefield. Suddenly, the temperature plummeted, and a dense mist formed, enveloping the area.

The mist clung to everything, obscuring vision and making it difficult to discern friend from foe. It was as if a veil of icy fog had descended upon the battleground, shrouding it in an eerie stillness. The thick vapor swirled around, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.

Allen's mind raced with thoughts and calculations. He had come face to face with his limits. The odds were stacked against him, and he knew he couldn't sustain this battle for much longer.

Sweat trickled down his brow, mixing with the dirt and blood that adorned his face. Every beat of his heart echoed in his ears, a reminder of the urgency of the situation. The adrenaline surged through his veins, fueling his determination, but also highlighting the gravity of his predicament. He assessed the battlefield with a critical eye, scanning for any possible advantage or weakness that could turn the tides in his favor.

Out of a sudden, an idea flashed in his head. A grin appeared on his lips. "I think I know what to do," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with newfound confidence. His grin widened as he started formulating a plan.

With his wings flapping forcefully, Allen maneuvered gracefully through the air, positioning himself behind the colossal creature. The sheer size of the monster made it difficult for it to detect his presence. It was a moment of advantage that he intended to exploit to the fullest.

'Soul Siphon!' he used his skill.

His hand reached out towards the Ice Turtle, and a radiant glow enveloped his palm. The pulsating energy surged through his fingertips, connecting with the monster's icy shell. The Soul Siphon skill activated, drawing the life essence from the Ice Turtle and channeling it into Allen's body.

A surge of power coursed through his veins as the Ice Turtle's life force flowed into him. His HP and DP rapidly replenished, revitalizing his weary body. The sensation was both exhilarating and invigorating, fueling his determination to turn the tide of the battle.

However, Allen remained acutely aware of the imminent danger lurking around him. He knew that his actions had not gone unnoticed by the other Ice Turtles. His eyes darted back and forth, scanning the area for any signs of movement. Every second counted as he strategized his next move. His mind raced, considering the options at his disposal.

Allen's wounds had miraculously healed. His HP and DP points surged to their maximum capacity, revitalizing him for the impending battle.

Once the thick vapor began to thin out, revealing the monsters around him once again, the remaining monsters found themselves in a state of confusion. Their ice-cold gazes searched frantically for any sign of Allen.

Seizing the opportunity to take control of the situation, Allen let out a resounding whistle that echoed through the chamber. "I'm here!" he taunted, his voice dripping with confidence. Instead of cowering in the shadows and attempting to conceal his whereabouts, he chose to boldly announce his presence, hoping to draw all their attention towards him.

As if on cue, the monsters' attention shifted instantaneously, their piercing gazes fixated on Allen's defiant figure. The Ice Turtle beneath him struggled to throw him from his back. But Allen stood his ground, his feet planted firmly on the monster's massive shell.

"Looking for me?" he taunted, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. The adrenaline coursed through his veins, heightening his senses and sharpening his focus. This was the moment he had been waiting for—to lure the monsters into his trap.

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