Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 224 Doppelganger

Villain Ch 224. Doppelganger

A chorus of enraged roars echoed through the chamber. The Ice Turtles massive mouths opened wide, emanating an eerie glow that signaled their imminent attack. Ice lances began to form within their icy cores, growing sharper and more dangerous.

Allen's heart pounded in his chest, and his attention honed in on the impending danger. He knew that a direct hit from those ice lances could spell disaster. Time seemed to slow down as the projectiles were unleashed, hurtling toward him with deadly accuracy.

But Allen was prepared. In a split second, he used his Shadow Walk skill. In a matter of seconds, he reappeared behind another Ice Turtle, positioned strategically on its vulnerable flank.

Meanwhile, the dying Ice Turtle that Allen had abandoned became the target of a barrage of ice lances. Dozens of shimmering projectiles rained down upon the creature, piercing its body with lethal precision. The combined force of Allen's initial assault and the onslaught of ice lances proved to be overwhelming, shattering the Ice Turtle's icy exterior and rendering it lifeless.

'It worked!' thought Allen happily. He didn't expect that he could use it that way due to the game mechanism.

Allen continued his daring dance with the remaining Ice Turtles, taunting them with his presence and goading them into casting their skills. With each taunt, the monsters unleashed their powerful ice-based attacks, but Allen was always a step ahead. As their skills were in motion, he swiftly activated his Shadow Walk or flew away, transforming into an elusive shadow and evading their frosty onslaught.

The monsters grew increasingly frustrated as their attacks missed their mark. Their attention was fixated on Allen, their desperate attempts to strike him becoming more reckless. Whenever the monsters' attention waned, he utilized his Hellfire Rain skill, unleashing a torrent of fiery projectiles that clashed with their icy attacks, concealing his movements and creating chaos on the battlefield.

One by one, the Ice Turtles fell under the relentless assault of Allen's taunts, his evasive maneuvers, and his calculated strikes. It was a dangerous dance of wit and skill, a battle of attrition that pushed Allen to his limits. His heart pounded with adrenaline as he dove and weaved through the labyrinth of icy assaults, always staying one step ahead of his opponents.

The chamber became a symphony of clashes and roars, with Allen's taunts punctuating the chaos. But Allen remained calm and focused, his instincts guiding his every move.

The time showed zero and all the monsters were dead. Just like that he passed the second test.

[Congratulations! You have successfully passed the second test!]

After that announcement, a ghostly NPC appeared in the middle of the room. His voice echoed through the chamber. The NPC's voice carried a mix of admiration and excitement as he spoke.

"Congratulations! Your skills and determination have proven to be exceptional," the NPC exclaimed, his ethereal voice resonating in the air. "You have surpassed the trials and are now ready to face the final test."

Allen's breath was ragged, his body battered from the intense battle. But a sense of accomplishment surged through him as he heard the NPC's words. The NPC approached him, emanating a soothing aura that enveloped him, instantly healing his wounds and replenishing his HP and DP. A surge of revitalizing energy coursed through his veins, revitalizing his weary body.

"You have shown great resilience and skill. It is time for you to proceed to the ultimate challenge," the NPC said, his voice filled with anticipation. "Are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath, Allen mustered his resolve and faced the NPC. "I am ready," he declared, his voice firm and resolute. He felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, ready to tackle whatever awaited him on the other side.

The portal that had materialized before him beckoned him to step forward, a gateway to the final test that awaited him.

With a nod of approval, the NPC gestured toward the portal. "Step through this portal. It will transport you to the final test," the NPC explained. "Remember, the challenges you will face there will be greater than anything you have encountered before. Trust in your abilities and push beyond your limits."

Allen gazed at the portal, its vibrant, swirling colors beckoning him onward. Taking a final glance at the NPC, he steeled his resolve and stepped forward, his foot crossing the threshold of the portal.

He expected to be transported to a new and unknown realm or room. However, what greeted him was something entirely different. He found himself standing in a room that was eerily familiar, sending a shiver down his spine. It was the Cursed Crypts' throne room or at least a strikingly similar version of it.

A perplexed expression settled on Allen's face as he took in the surroundings. The dimly lit room was adorned with luxury, ornaments, and gold. The atmosphere was heavy with an air of mystery and foreboding. But what confused him the most was the figure seated upon the imposing throne at the far end of the room.

A gasp escaped his lips as he recognized the person who occupied the throne—an exact replica of his own character. The resemblance was uncanny, from the way he sat with an air of arrogance to the intricate details of his armor and demonic features. It was like looking into a mirror, albeit a distorted and amplified version of himself.

"What the heck..." Allen muttered, his voice barely audible in the vast room. He took a hesitant step forward, his gaze locked on the doppelganger who now held his attention captive.

Doppelganger (Boss Monster) <Level 71>

The throne room fell into a heavy silence, the only sound echoing through the chamber being the faint flickering of torches on the walls. The figure on the throne finally broke the silence, his voice laced with an enigmatic tone.

"Ah, Azazel. I've been expecting you," the doppelganger spoke, a smirk curling at the corner of his lips. "Welcome to your final test."

[Third test: The duel.]

[Objective: Kill your doppelganger!]

[Remaining time: 14:59]

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