Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 256 Real Terror

Villain Ch 256. Real Terror

Panic gripped Mac and his team as the realization sank in. The consecutive encounters with powerful villains had sent their hearts racing and their minds reeling.

The Devil Emperor's presence, even in voice alone, sent shivers down their spines. There was an aura of darkness and malevolence surrounding him that seemed to infect the very air they breathed. The terror was all too real, surpassing even their encounter with Grimora. Mac knew they had to escape, to retreat from this overwhelming threat.

With a sense of urgency, Mac reached for the Home Crystal in his inventory, hoping to activate it and transport his team to safety. But just as he was about to grasp it, a burst of flame surged forward, disrupting his movement and undoing his action. The flame seemed to have a mind of its own, thwarting his attempt to flee.

Fire rained down from the sky, engulfing the surroundings in a sea of scorching flames. It was the Hellfire Rain, a devastating attack that left destruction in its wake.

Mac and his team scrambled to avoid the relentless onslaught of fire, their bodies moving with agility and desperation. They weaved and dodged, leaping from one safe spot to another, but the flames seemed to pursue them relentlessly. The heat was intense, singeing their skin and scorching their clothes. The pain of the burns mixed with the exhaustion and adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Their previous injuries from the battle with Grimora had not fully healed, and now the burns from the Hellfire Rain added to their agony. Their bodies were marked with red, blistering patches of skin, and the pain was searing and unbearable. Each step and movement became more challenging, but they pushed through, driven by their will to survive.

That one skill unleashed a cataclysmic transformation, turning the once serene forest into a hellish inferno. The flames roared and crackled, devouring everything in their path. The towering trees became charred remnants, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers against the backdrop of the blazing backdrop.

Mac and his team were enveloped by the suffocating heat, their faces, and bodies drenched in sweat. They could feel the scorching intensity of the flames as if they were standing at the gates of hell itself. It was a stark contrast to their encounter with Grimora, whose power was shrouded in darkness and shadows. The Devil Emperor, on the other hand, reveled in fire and chaos, reveling in the destructive force of his hellfire.

"It's Grimora, right?" the emperor's voice boomed, resonating through the fiery landscape. The flames danced and flickered, casting eerie shadows on the ground. "Looks like I have to punish her since she let you live. I hate half-assed work," he growled with disdain, his voice laced with venom.

Mac's brows furrowed and glanced around, his eyes darting from one blazing pillar to another, searching for any sign of the emperor's presence. But all he saw was the relentless onslaught of fire, consuming everything in its path.

"You came for me, right?" Mac called out, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and defiance. He was determined to understand the purpose behind the villains' relentless pursuit. His mind raced, trying to connect the dots between Grimora's interest in Yora and the Emperor's sudden appearance.

"No..." the emperor hissed, his voice dripping with malice and sadistic pleasure.

In a swift and terrifying moment, the emperor materialized behind Greg, his ominous presence sending a shiver down everyone's spine. His demonic claws were already poised, ready to strike and unleash a world of pain upon the unsuspecting warrior. An evil smirk played on the emperor's lips; his eyes gleaming with malevolence.

"I came for all of you…" the emperor hissed. Before anyone could react, the emperor's claw tore through Greg's flesh, piercing his chest with ruthless precision. The sound of ripping fabric and cracking bones echoed through the air, intermingled with Greg's agonized cries. The team watched in horror as the emperor's hand closed around Greg's heart, cruelly wrenching it from its rightful place in his chest.

Time seemed to stand still as the emperor displayed his macabre trophy, holding Greg's life essence in his hand as a grim reminder of his unfathomable power. Greg's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, and his health points were reduced to zero in a devastating blow.

[Congratulations! You managed to get a Heart of Craftsman!]

[The Heart of Craftsman (1/5)]

[Get the heart by taking out a certain player's heart.]

The horror that unfolded before Mac and Player_Eater painted their faces with sheer terror. In the depths of their hearts, they knew that their chances of survival were slim to none. However, Mac refused to succumb to despair. With a resolute grip on his sword, he mustered every ounce of strength and determination to continue the fight. But before he could make his move, the emperor's hand rose, commanding an unseen force to grip their helpless bodies.

A wicked grin spread across the emperor's face as he reveled in his sadistic power.

'Telekinesis Blast!'

With a snap of his fingers, he manipulated the telekinetic energy, forcing Mac's hand to turn against him, guiding his own sword to his throat.

Mac's anguished scream pierced the air, echoing through the grim battlefield. The sound reverberated, carrying a chilling reminder of the emperor's cold-blooded cruelty. Blood spurted from the self-inflicted wound, staining Mac's once gleaming armor a vivid crimson. His life force drained away, his health points depleting until they reached zero, leaving his lifeless body sprawled on the blood-soaked ground.

[Congratulations! You managed to get an Abyssal Leather of Swordsman!]

[Abyssal Leather of Swordsman (1/5)]

[Get the leather by slitting a certain player's neck.]

A satisfied grin appeared on the emperor's lips as Mac's lifeless body fell to the ground. He decided to deal with them first since due to the previous incident, Celestial Vanguard decided to hold an impromptu guild meeting, which meant that Red_King and the others would be in town for the time being. That's why he switched his targets to Mac and the others.

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