Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 257 Memorable Pain

Villain Ch 257. Memorable Pain

Player_Eater's trembling body reflected the overwhelming fear that consumed him. His gaze fixated on the emperor, and he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between him and Grimora. Although both villains possessed terrifying power, there was something distinct about the emperor that sent shivers down Player_Eater's spine. When they were facing Grimora, they had always harbored a glimmer of hope, the belief that victory or escape was within reach. But now, standing before the emperor, that hope seemed futile, and the only release from this terror was death itself.

The emperor's piercing gaze bore into Player_Eater, sending a chill down their spine. The words that followed only amplified the fear coursing through their veins.

"Now it's your turn," the emperor hissed, his voice dripping with malevolence. The glint in his eyes revealed his unwavering intent to kill. Player_Eater's name wasn't on the emperor's hit list, but that didn't mean he had any intention of sparing him. In fact, he relished the opportunity to inflict pain and suffering.

The emperor's desire for revenge against Player_Eater, who had insulted him during their encounter in Eyon's cave, burned within him. The emperor's twisted satisfaction was evident. Unfortunately, Grimora had toyed with them for far too long, and the chances of other players stumbling upon this encounter grew by the minute. Although he had initially planned to prolong Player_Eater's torment, the emperor realized that expediency was now his priority. However, he would make sure that the pain he inflicted would be excruciating and memorable.

With a swift motion, the emperor raised his hand, unleashing an unseen force that tightened its grip around Player_Eater's body. The pressure was unbearable, squeezing them mercilessly as their bones and muscles screamed in agony. Player_Eater's anguished cries echoed through the air, a symphony of pain and despair that reached the ears of their fallen comrades.

Unable to resist or break free from the emperor's vice-like hold, Player_Eater's body was lifted into the air. Every fiber of their being screamed in protest as the invisible force continued to constrict, squeezing the life out of them. Gasping for breath and writhing in torment, Player_Eater's body contorted under immense pressure.

"GAHHH!" Player_Eater's broken scream sounded loudly. His whole body felt squeezed.

The emperor smirked sadistically upon that sight.

Player_Eater's desperate attempt to summon aid. With his options dwindling, Player_Eater clung to his last glimmer of hope, muttering under his breath, "Summon..."

In response to the invocation, a Mandragora materialized, a creature Player_Eater had relied on before in times of peril. The small green monster emerged, emitting an eerie wail that reverberated through the air. But before the Mandragora could even comprehend its surroundings, the emperor reacted with cold efficiency.

He waved his hand dismissively, conjuring sinister black lances that encircled him. With deadly precision, the lances shot forward, their tips glinting with malevolence. The Mandragora never stood a chance. The lances impaled the creature mercilessly, causing it to writhe in agony as dark corruption spread through its body. The once-vibrant green hue turned into a sickly shade of black, and its features contorted in pain. In mere moments, the Mandragora withered and rotted, its life force drained until it lay lifeless on the ground.

"Pathetic," the emperor spat in disgust, looking down on Player_Eater with a sneer of contempt. He couldn't fathom how this player, who openly admitted his perceived inability to conquer the game, dared to challenge him. The arrogance and bravado that Player_Eater displayed only fueled the emperor's amusement.

The emperor's sadistic grin only grew wider as he reveled in Player_Eater's futile struggle. With an unyielding grip, he tightened his hold on his victim, relishing in the fear that emanated from the helpless player. In tandem with his physical grip, the emperor exerted his invisible power, channeling it into an overwhelming force that crushed Player_Eater's body.

The crushing pressure was unbearable, causing Player_Eater's form to shatter like fragile glass. His body disintegrated into a grotesque display of gore, leaving behind nothing but a pool of blood and scattered fragments of flesh. The sickening sound of bones snapping and sinews tearing filled the air as the remains splattered onto the ground. The blood, thick and dark, stained the earth, creating an eerie ambiance as if it were raining drops of crimson. Some droplets even splattered onto the emperor's visage and armor, adding an additional macabre touch to his already menacing appearance. Yet, the gruesome sight did nothing to faze him. His cold, piercing gaze remained unaffected, void of any remorse or empathy.

With an air of indifference, the emperor pondered his next move. "I wonder who I should kill next..." he mused, his voice laced with a chilling tone.

Flicking his fingers casually, he opened a portal in front of him, its dark energy swirling and crackling with power. Without a second thought, the emperor stepped through the portal, disappearing from the blood-soaked battlefield.

It was the last scene Player_Eater saw before the loading screen appeared. Once the screen disappeared, his character was already in Eyon village. With a sense of urgency, he scanned the area, searching for Mac and the rest of the party. He expected to find them sitting down, healing their wounds in pain, and replenishing their health with potions, wearing their depressed expressions. But to his surprise, the scene that greeted him was quite the opposite.

·ƈθm Mac and the others were not nursing their wounds in solitude. Instead, they were engaged in lively conversations and discussions with fellow players. There were six of them. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of determination and seriousness, evident on the faces of each individual present. Player_Eater's brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Curiosity piqued, Player_Eater swiftly made his way toward Mac and the group, eager to join their gathering. Their voices were filled with determination, and their eyes burned with a newfound resolve. Clearly, something had changed.

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Player_Eater asked, his tone filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

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