Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 292 Sophia's Manipulation [Part 1]

Villain Ch 292. Sophia's Manipulation [Part 1]

"Right, of course," Liam scoffed with a hint of bitterness lacing his voice. "It's always about him, isn't it?" The resentment simmered within him, fueling his displeasure. He couldn't shake the feeling that no matter where he turned, Allen's shadow loomed large. Even after his two-year absence from the gaming scene, Allen's name continued to be on everyone's lips. It seemed that his fame and notoriety were inescapable, even when he seemingly vanished from sight.

"Perhaps the only way to overshadow his fame is by defeating the Devil Emperor," Liam continued. "Or maybe, just maybe, that would be enough to break through his arrogant façade and make him acknowledge us."

Liam's words landed like a slap across Sophia's face, jolting her out of her thoughts. They struck a chord deep within her, igniting a newfound determination to capture Allen's attention. She realized that if she wanted to stand out and make Allen take notice, she needed to become a force to be reckoned with in the gaming world. It wasn't enough to simply match his skills; she had to surpass him, to shine even brighter than he did. Maybe then, he would be compelled to talk to her and acknowledge her presence, especially considering Allen's well-known pride in his gaming abilities.

As the weight of Liam's comment settled upon Sophia, Darren discreetly nudged Liam's foot, catching his attention. With a swift glance, Darren directed his gaze toward Sophia, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. He wanted to remind her that deep down, she still harbored feelings for Allen.

Liam, sensing Darren's message, pressed his lips together, swallowing the rest of his complaints. He understood the delicate nature of Sophia's emotions, and he didn't want to add to her burden by venting his own frustrations.

Darren, sensing the need to shift the conversation's focus, decided to deftly change the subject. "Hey, guys, how about we talk about something else?" he proposed, his voice carrying a lighthearted tone. It was evident that he wanted to steer the discussion away from the complexities of her personal life and back toward the original purpose of their gathering.

Elio, quick to embrace Darren's suggestion, eagerly nodded in agreement. "You're right, Darren," he chimed in, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Let's redirect our attention to the reason why we came here in the first place."

"So, what should we discuss first?" Noah (Lord*Hunter) asked, his eyes darting between Liam and Elio, recognizing them as the most problematic ones among them.

Before anyone could respond, James (Arrow_Master) interjected with a thoughtful suggestion. "Actually, before we dive into any specific discussions, I think it's important that we establish some ground rules," he interjected, his voice carrying a note of practicality. He wanted to ensure that their conversation remained productive and respectful, fostering an atmosphere of open communication.

The mention of setting ground rules for their discussion served as a reminder that they were no longer confined to the virtual realm. In the real world, their actions held tangible consequences, and an argument couldn't be resolved as easily as a duel within the game. They all understood that engaging in a physical confrontation outside of the game could lead to serious legal troubles, and none of them were willing to risk tarnishing their records over a mere game.I think you should take a look at

"I agree!" Gilbert's agreement echoed throughout the group, his voice filled with conviction. He recognized the importance of establishing clear boundaries and guidelines to ensure a productive and safe discussion.

Liam, however, couldn't resist throwing a jab at James, attempting to undermine his leadership role. "I thought Elio was our leader. Since when did you become the one calling the shots?" Liam quipped, shooting James a skeptical side-eye accompanied by a sneer.

Jacob (INeedAHotGF) chimed in, his voice calm yet assertive. "Liam, this is the real world," he reminded him, his words carrying a hint of reproach. "Here, we are all equal, regardless of our roles in the game. It's important that we respect each other's opinions and work together as a team."

The group was well aware of Liam's fiery temperament, having witnessed his passionate outbursts during their in-game encounters. Despite this, they had all made the decision to gather together, recognizing the importance of addressing their issues head-on. Sophia, too, understood the significance of this meeting and had chosen to attend.

"Tch!" Liam, his annoyance evident, clicked his tongue in frustration. He knew that his tendency to let his emotions get the better of him could hinder the progress of their discussion. However, he also couldn't deny the burning desire within him to voice his opinions and concerns.

Elio, taking charge of the situation as their de facto leader, sensed the need to establish clear boundaries for their conversation. He understood the potential for heated exchanges, but he wanted to ensure that they maintained a level-headed and respectful atmosphere. With a firm tone, he declared, "Right. Let's approach this discussion with cool heads. We're in a coffee shop, so let's avoid yelling and unnecessary arguments."

"What if we don't find common ground?" Darren's question hung in the air, hinting at the potential obstacles that awaited them.

Elio, however, remained undeterred. With a reassuring tone, he responded, "If we don't find common ground, we'll adapt and find a better place to continue our discussion. The key is to keep the lines of communication open and maintain a spirit of cooperation."

Sophia, listening intently, steeled herself for the challenges ahead. She understood that to defeat the Devil Emperor, she needed the unwavering support and unity of this team. She acknowledged that the root of their problems stemmed from her own actions—or rather, the mysterious voice that had seemingly materialized out of nowhere. In reality, the problem didn't truly exist; it was merely a result of Liam and Darren's blind jealousy towards Elio. And Sophia, with a deep understanding of their underlying motivations, realized that she held the power to bring them together or tear them apart.

The boys' infatuation with her had become evident. They were vying for her attention, their conflicts arising from their shared desire to win her over. Sophia recognized that if she wanted to achieve her own personal goal— reconnecting with Allen —she needed to harness their passion and channel it toward the glory they all sought in the game.

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