Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 293 Sophia's Manipulation [Part 2]

Villain Ch 293. Sophia's Manipulation [Part 2]

"I hope it won't come to that," Sophia interjected suddenly, her voice steady and composed. The boys turned their attention toward her, curious about her thoughts on the matter.

A sweet smile graced Sophia's lips, a smile that hadn't surfaced since her last breakup with David—the smile that had once charmed boys effortlessly, making them bend to her will without her having to utter "Please". It was the same technique she had employed to exert control over Allen in the past. Now, she would employ it once again, but this time to influence the boys. She realized that if she wanted Allen's attention, she had to make him turn to her. She had to show him that she was desired by others, so he would feel compelled to desire her as well.

As Sophia anticipated, her subtle manipulation caused the boys to blush, their faces turning a shade of pink. She was aware that none of them had been in a relationship for a while, nor had any current crushes. In their vulnerable state, they were susceptible to her influence, making it easier for her to shape their actions and decisions.

"Listen up, guys," Sophia asserted, her voice filled with conviction. "We are not just a group of players. We are a team, a guild. And as a team, we need to stick together and support one another. Arguing over trivial matters won't get us anywhere." She emphasized the importance of unity, reminding them that their shared goals and collective success relied on their ability to work harmoniously.

Sophia couldn't help but notice that the disputes they had been engaging in were, in the grand scheme of things, minor issues. They argued about who should initiate attacks on monsters, how to distribute the coins to expand their guild headquarters, which non-playable character (NPC) to hire first, or even just how to allocate their resources to upgrade their guild's skills. These were inconsequential matters that should have been resolved through open dialogue and compromise, rather than resulting in heated conflicts.

Liam, always at odds with Elio, chimed in with a contemplative tone. "Sophia, it may seem like a small thing, but it goes beyond that. It touches upon our pride," he admitted, his voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and frustration. He revealed the underlying reason for his constant clashes with Elio, shedding light on the deep-seated emotions that fueled their disagreements.

With calculated intention, Sophia reached out and placed her hand on Liam's shoulder, offering a gentle pat as she maintained her warm smile. Though her gesture seemed casual, her unwavering gaze locked onto Liam's eyes, delivering a silent message that pierced straight to the core of his being. At that moment, something shifted within him, humbling his ego and quelling the flames of jealousy that had burned so fiercely.

"I understand," Sophia began, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "But let's remember that in this game, we have a higher purpose. We all share the desire for fame and recognition, don't we? So why not work together to achieve it?" Her words were directed not only at Liam but to the entire group.

Sophia turned her attention towards Darren, allowing her gaze to lock onto his eyes, just as she had done with Liam. The sudden focus on Darren caught him off guard, causing him to gasp audibly. It was the first time Sophia had taken notice of him in such a direct manner, and the significance of her attention was not lost on him.

With a seductive tone in her voice, Sophia gently reminded the group. "Remember the victory you guys achieved in the tournament two years ago? It was because you worked together as a team. Don't you want to experience that same success once again?" Her words carried a captivating charm, reminiscent of a goddess's seductive whispers.

Sophia believed that her persuasive approach would be enough to dissolve their egos and personal conflicts, particularly with Liam and Darren. Their intense desire to surpass Allen fueled their competitive spirit, making them more inclined to yield to Elio's leadership. Sophia recognized this and saw an opportunity to rally them under Elio's guidance, leveraging their shared goal of defeating the devil emperor as her excuse.I think you should take a look at

Her words hung in the air, leaving the group momentarily speechless. While women were often willing to retract their statements, men tended to cling to their pride more fiercely, particularly in the presence of their peers. Admitting defeat or relinquishing control was a blow to their ego.

Darren, moved by Sophia's persuasive plea, was the first to break the silence. "I agree with Sophia," he admitted, his voice carrying a newfound wisdom. "We need to put an end to this unnecessary conflict. After all, it's just a game, we should enjoy it," he added.

Sophia observed Liam's hesitant expression, catching a glimpse of doubt flickering across his face. Sensing the need for a final push, she redirected her gaze toward Darren.

"Thank you, Darren," she commended, her voice filled with admiration. "Your maturity is truly remarkable."

The simple yet sincere compliment struck a chord within Liam. His jealousy and wounded pride began to subside as she recognized the wisdom in Darren's words. Swallowing his pride, he mustered the courage to speak up. "I also agree," Liam declared, his voice carrying a newfound sense of humility. "It's far better to forge friendships than to foster animosity in the game."

A broad, radiant smile illuminated Sophia's face, resembling a blooming sunflower. "Thank you, Liam!" she exclaimed, her joy evident in her voice. "After all, it's this game that brought us all together," she added, her gaze sweeping across the group. The statement conveyed her appreciation for each member.

Elio couldn't help but feel a mixture of shock and gratitude at Sophia's adept handling of the situation. He was shocked by her ability to bring the group back together with just a few well-placed sentences. Her influence over them was truly remarkable, and he was grateful for her unwavering support.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Elio spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled over them. "I'll take that as a sign that we're all in agreement then," he stated, his voice carrying a sense of relief. "From now on, let's redirect our focus toward our ultimate goal. Together, we can achieve great things."

Each member of the group nodded in response, their collective determination evident in their actions. It was clear that they were ready to set aside their differences and work towards a shared objective. The bond that had once been strained now began to strengthen once again.

As the group basked in the relief of their resolution, Sophia's gaze drifted toward the magazine resting on the table. The momentary calm that had settled within her began to waver, replaced by a determined expression tinged with a hint of longing. The fading smile on her face betrayed her true emotions.

Her eyes fixed upon his image on the magazine cover, a mixture of yearning and determination burning within her. In that fleeting moment, she made a silent promise to herself. 'Wait for me, Allen,' she thought, her words echoing in the depths of her mind. 'I will make you see me, truly see me.'

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