Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 303 Vivian's Worry

Villain Ch 303. Vivian's Worry

01.35 PM, in the Black Castle, Hell's Gate.

Vivian, Zoe, Shea, and Larissa hunt together in one of the Black Castle map towers. It was one of the most notorious and challenging maps in the Hell's Gate game, known for its high-level monsters and treacherous dungeons. The area was massive, comprising several smaller dungeons, each tower a separate labyrinth of danger and mystery. From barracks to prison, sewer to main building, even the desolate garden, every corner held its own perils and secrets.

The atmosphere within the Black Castle was eerily similar to the dreaded Cursed Crypts. The sky hung heavy with darkness, casting an ominous gloom over the landscape. The grounds were infested with dead trees and menacing creatures, most of which were aggressive and unforgiving.

Despite its perilous reputation, the Black Castle was a prime location for leveling up and hunting rare loot. Its challenging nature and high rewards attracted skilled players like Allen and his party. Yet, even with their expertise, they proceeded with caution, well aware of the dangers that lurked in every shadow.

As the party continued their relentless assault on the monsters, Zoe couldn't help but notice something was off about Vivian. Her usually fierce and focused demeanor seemed distracted, and it was evident that something was bothering her.

"Did something wrong, Vivian? You look unfocused," Zoe inquired, her eyes never leaving the enemies that surrounded them. Vivian responded with a swift slash of her whip at the Black Mirror monster in front of her, dispatching it with ease. Despite her skillful attack, there was an air of confusion about her that Zoe couldn't ignore.

"It's not that important," Vivian replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty. But Zoe knew her, and she could sense that there was more to it than Vivian was letting on.

Larissa chimed in as she gracefully eliminated a Broken Puppet monster. "What happened? Tell us," she said, her eyes locking with Vivian's.

Vivian took a deep breath, steeling herself to share her concerns with her companions. She turned to face them, her expression serious. "It's about Allen. I texted him earlier and told him about the magazine," she began.

Zoe's interest piqued, and she gave Vivian her full attention. "And? What did he say?" she asked, curious to know Allen's response to such exciting news.

"He replied to my first message, but he didn't reply to my second message," Vivian recounted, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Shea chimed in, "Maybe he's busy with something urgent. You know how real-life stuff can get in the way sometimes."

Vivian considered this for a moment. It was true that they were all busy with their lives outside of the game. After all, being responsible players didn't mean they didn't have other commitments. "Yeah, maybe," she replied, trying to convince herself that it was just a simple matter of timing.

But Larissa, who was known for her intuition, had a different take on the situation. "He read your message, right?" she asked, her eyes narrowing in thought.

Vivian nodded, her worry growing with each passing second. "Yes, he did," she confirmed. "And I saw the status that he was typing a reply. But then he stopped."

Larissa's brow furrowed, and she exchanged a knowing glance with Zoe. "That's odd," Zoe agreed. "Allen is usually quick to respond, even if it's just a quick 'lol' or an emoji."

"Exactly!" Vivian nodded, relieved that her friends understood her concern.

"Do you know where he is?" Shea asked curiously, trying to piece together the puzzle. It wasn't like Allen to disappear without a trace.

Vivian hesitated for a moment before responding. "He said he was out looking for the magazine," she finally revealed, hoping that it would shed some light on his strange behavior. But deep down, she knew that there was more to it than just a search for the magazine.

Before they could delve further into the matter, a message notification popped up on their screens. It was from Jane.

[Grimora: Guys, where are you? I need to tell you something!]

[Nefaris: What is it, Jane?]

[Grimora: It's about Allen!]

Jane's message sent a ripple of concern through the group. Allen's recent strange behavior seemed to be a cause for concern not just for Vivian but for everyone in the party.

[Vivian: You're in the Cursed Crypts, right?]

[Grimora: Yes. I'm in the throne room.]

[Nefaris: Wait for us there.]

As the group quickly communicated through their in-game messages, Zoe couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. "Oh my God... did something happen between the two of them?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I think so. That's why I want to find out," Vivian replied, her worry evident in her voice. Without wasting any more time, Larissa immediately opened a portal to the Cursed Crypts.

In the blink of an eye, they were transported to the eerie surroundings of the Crypts.

With Vivian leading the way, they rushed through the dimly lit mansion, following the twisting corridors that led to the throne room. As they neared their destination, they could see Jane's avatar, Grimora, standing at the hall. She was engrossed in her menu screen, her expression a mix of concern and determination.

"Hey, guys," Jane greeted them with a smile as they approached her with a mix of enthusiasm and concern.

"Tell us what happened to Allen," they all urged, eager to get to the bottom of the mysterious situation.

"Why do you guys look so excited?" Jane asked, taken aback by their enthusiasm.

"He didn't reply to my second message," Vivian confessed, her worry evident in her voice.

"Oh, maybe because he was on his way home from my apartment," Jane said innocently, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"He was at your apartment?" Shea asked, her curiosity piqued.

Jane's blush deepened, and she hesitated for a moment before admitting, "Yes. Not only that… we also just 'did' it."

The revelation stunned the rest of the group into momentary silence. "WHAT?!" they half screamed in shock, their eyes widening.

Vivian, Zoe, Shea, and Larissa exchanged bewildered glances. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. It was beyond anything they had expected.

"You mean you and Allen..." Zoe stuttered, her mind struggling to process the information.

"Yep," Jane replied with a grin, clearly unapologetic about the surprising turn of events.

"I can't believe this!" Vivian exclaimed, her shock giving way to a mix of disbelief and amusement. "I mean, we all know they were close, but I didn't think they were THAT close!"

"Tell us all the details!" demanded Shea.

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