Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 304 Long Search

Villain Ch 304. Long Search 

Jane shared the intimate details of her encounter with Allen, and the rest of the group listened with rapt attention, hanging onto her every word. She recounted their first experience together, describing the sensations and emotions that washed over her.

"Oh, come on! You can't just leave us hanging like that," Larissa teased with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Tell us everything!"

Jane blushed but couldn't help but smile at her friend's eagerness. "Well, it was... amazing," she admitted, her voice tinged with excitement. "He made me feel things I've never felt before, you know?"

Vivian and Shea exchanged knowing glances, understanding the depth of Jane's feelings.

"So does he have a real anaconda?" Larissa asked curiously.

"I thought you already knew," Zoe replied with a frown, raising an eyebrow at Larissa's playful banter.

"I only know from the outside. I don't know the inside," Larissa quipped with a wink. "Who knows, he slipped a cucumber to make it look bigger."

"Who came up with such a stupid idea," Vivian said, cringing at the thought of Allen trying to impress anyone with such a crude trick.

Larissa shrugged nonchalantly. "Some men are desperate, you know," she chimed in with a playful smirk. "The cleaning service once found a huge sausage in the men's changing room. Sometimes they find eggplants or cucumbers there."

Zoe's eyes widened in disbelief. "Well, that's just sad," she said, feeling sorry for anyone who would resort to such antics to boost their self-esteem.

While the conversation had taken an unexpected turn, Vivian was determined to steer it back on track. "So, anacondas or not?" she pressed, her gaze fixed on Jane.

Jane blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink that matched her avatar's appearance. "Uh... kinda," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh my God," the others exclaimed. But while the rest of the group seemed hyped to talk about Allen's manhood, Shea had a different perspective.

"Actually, rather than that, I'm more curious as to why he would want to do it with you," Shea blurted out, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Huh? Why?" Zoe asked, turning to Shea with a puzzled expression.

"Did Allen ever tell you about his family background?" Shea asked, her eyes fixed on Jane. "I mean, he should be hesitant to do it because of that."

Jane's eyes widened in surprise. "You knew about that?" she asked, shocked that Shea had hit the nail on the head.

"Not much," Shea admitted with a shrug. "But I can't share it with you guys before I get permission from him. It's too personal. So, it depends on you, Jane. Did Allen give you permission to share with us?" she asked in a serious tone.

"He already gave me permission," Jane clarified, breaking the tension in the air.

The others glanced from Jane to Shea, their curiosity piqued. "Okay, spill the beans! Can you tell us what happened?" Vivian urged, eager to understand the situation better.

Jane took a deep breath and began sharing more about Allen's family background. She had asked Allen for permission to share this information with their friends, and he had agreed, knowing that sooner or later, they would find out.

As Jane revealed the truth about Allen's past, the group listened intently, absorbing every detail. The confession was shocking, shedding light on the complexities of Allen's life outside the game. It suddenly made sense why Allen had taken things slowly and had been hesitant to take their relationship to a more intimate level.

"Wait... Is that the reason why he didn't touch Sophia when they lived together?" Vivian asked, her mind racing to connect the dots.

"I guess that's the main reason," Jane reiterated, her heart heavy with the realization of what Allen had been going through.

"I think... that answers the mystery of his family's whereabouts when he went through his darkest time two years ago," Larissa added, shaking her head in disbelief. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, and it was becoming clear that Allen's family background had a profound impact on his life.

"Do you know anything else?" Jane turned to Shea, hoping to learn more about Allen's past.

"Not much," Shea admitted with a sigh. "But I do know that he once tried to find his biological father, and unfortunately, he was not successful. So, I decided to try my luck and use my network to help him," she confessed.

"And?" the others pressed, their curiosity piqued as they turned their attention to Shea.

Shea cringed playfully and raised one eyebrow, adding a hint of drama to her response. "Well, it has just started, so I haven't had any results yet," she confessed. "Don't get your hopes up either, because this is a long shot. This incident happened a long time ago."

As much as they wanted to hold onto hope, they knew that finding Allen's biological father would be no easy feat. It was a daunting task, and Shea's cautionary words served as a reminder that they shouldn't expect miracles overnight.

"Also," Shea continued, "his biological father may not even admit it. He doesn't even know that Allen exists," she revealed, her tone tinged with a mix of frustration and sympathy.

The group fell into a thoughtful silence, processing the information. The complexity of Allen's family situation was becoming more apparent, and they realized that this journey to uncover the truth would be filled with obstacles and uncertainties.

All of them exhaled a long breath, the weight of the conversation lingering in the air.

"True..." Larissa agreed, her eyes filled with empathy for Allen.

They wanted to continue their conversation, to delve deeper into the complexities of Allen's life and how it had shaped him. But just as they were about to speak, a familiar voice interrupted their thoughts.

"Guys, you won't believe what just happened," Allen exclaimed, annoyance evident in his voice as he entered the throne hall where they were gathered.

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