What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 331 Update Complete~

Drebann raised an eyebrow at my completed character sheet.

"Quite an interesting build you have here, Aster… Hmmm… Huh… I was actually expecting something more… Unconventional, not this."

I shrugged, "This is just a means to an end for me after all. Plus, according to what you said about this, I'm already expecting there to be another update to this system in the future."

He looked at me, "And what if there isn't?"

"Then I'll just live with it. I made the first one expecting it to be my only one anyway so there's not much loss to me. Being able to edit myself like this is already a bonus."

"Interesting, very interesting. Yes, yes… This is indeed quite interesting. The others who used this before you… I could more or less see what they intended to do with their lives after they made their updates. But for you… I guess it could go any way considering it's you."

I tilted my head at him, "What do you mean? My goal hasn't changed from the very start."

"To travel the World and eat all the sweets there is while writing your own story, right? I'm aware of that. But the thing I find most interesting is what kind of path you might take to get there. There are those that I could easily see would take the path that most would consider evil, while others clearly intend to live boring, uneventful lives."

I don't really think I'm either one since I don't see myself as a villain and nor do I think that I'm particularly boring either.

"I thought gods were omniscient or something?" I asked.

"Ahahaha! That's true to a certain extent but it's not perfect omniscience. We might be able to see into the future but there are many variations to it because parallel Worlds exist."

Oh… I never knew that. So there's parallel Worlds…

"So what do you think about me?"

"Hmm… I do not know, which is what makes it all the more interesting!"

I dunno, it sounds more like you need a hobby to me.

He grinned, "Well, this is kind of my hobby now, isn't it?"

"Hey, reading my mind is rude."

He shrugged, "So is insulting me in your thoughts. I did warn you about the other Gods not taking kindly to such things so do take note of that when you meet the others."

"How are you even so sure that I would meet the other gods?"

He raised an eyebrow at me, "You want to travel the entire World don't you? If given the opportunity to meet them, would you?"

"Hell no. I'm going to have to be careful of how I act and what I say in front of them? That definitely sounds like more trouble than it's worth."

"Even if they can guide you to the best sweets in the part of the World they are in charge of?"

I clasped my hands together, "Please grant me this sacred knowledge, great god Drebann!"

He grimaced, "Ok, please don't do that again."


"Ugh… I should have just kept my mouth shut… When you are in the Nekinumi Kingdom or the Elhiria Republic, look for these little honey glazed balls. It's a particular type of sweet that uses honey as its base and various nectars from different flowers as well as fruits to enhance its flavour."

"Waaahhh! Thank youuuuu!! I love you Drebann!!"

"Ugh… Ok, ok. Please don't do that anymore… Are you ready to go back now?"

"Ah, when will the things I choose take effect?"

"They operate on the same rule as before. So they'll pop up randomly on your birthdays."

"What about the banes I removed?"

"Ah, they'll also go away on your birthdays too, so don't worry about that."

I blinked at him, "Eh? It's not immediate? That means I'll have to wait at least another year? And it's also up to chance?"

"Pretty much."

Ugh… Oh well, it's not like it's that big of a deal. I can deal with [Jungle And Blood] for another year I guess.

"And what happens if I find another one of those… Err… Divine Communication Stones?"

Drebann shrugged, "Use it, sell it, keep it, whatever you want. If you choose to use it, you can come back here and make changes to your build again if you want. Unless you just want to come and talk to us or something but there's other ways of doing that anyway."

Huh… I guess one way to see it is that these stones are character reset items…

"Alright, I'm ready. Beam me up!"

He rolled his eyes but went ahead to snap his fingers without commenting on it.

I blinked and I found myself staring at the wall of the Church, which meant that I was back from the God realm, or wherever that was..

I felt movement under me and I looked down to see the nun standing up while dabbing on her lips delicately with a handkerchief.

"Mmm… May Goddess Uskit bless you," The nun prayed, right as the black stone slowly disintegrated into dust before disappearing into thin air.

Huh… It seems like no time had passed since my orgasm and my meeting with the two gods.

The nun turned to the side, noticing the disintegration of the stone before turning back to me, "It seems like the Gods have blessed you. Do you feel any different?"

"Umm… I think so?" I told her a little lamely.

I'm not sure how much she knows about Off-Worlders so I decided not to say too much about it.

She bowed her head, "I thank Goddess Uskit for thy benevolence. Now… Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Umm… Not really. Though I'm wondering why this place is so deserted?"

"Hmm? Because it's not Praday? Oh, might you be from outside this city, miss?"

I'm not sure if she meant I lived outside the city or if I was someone who moved to this city from somewhere else. Either way, both are kind of true in a sense so I just nodded my head, especially when my cover family was a minor nobility living in the city's outskirts.

She clasped her hands together, "Then it is very fortunate that you have found yourself in a church of Uskit, the Goddess of the earth and harvests."

"Hmm? Why do you say that?"

"Because as the patron Goddess of Mahuns, she would of course grant you a good blessing!"

"Umm… But I'm a Meslatar though…"

She blinked at me, "Oh… I see... But that's ok! Goddess Uskit's generosity is as boundless as the earth's! So I'm sure you received a good blessing anyway!"

Ok, at least she's not a racist.

There was still one thing that bothered me though… According to Drebann, they only created these… Err… Divine Communication Stones for us to get our so-called system update. But why would she know about its use?

I even checked her stats to make sure but she did not have an 'Off-Worlder' title either.

"Umm… Could I ask when did the first Divine Communication Stone appear?" I asked.

She looked confused at my words, "Divine Communication Stone? Do you mean the Blessing Stone? The one that was on the altar just now?"

Oh… Is that what they call it? I guess there's not really any communication involved if you were not an Off-Worlder so the name would be different.

I nodded, "Err… Yeah, the Blessing Stone. When did the first ones appear since this is my first time seeing one."

She tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Hmm… I'm not sure exactly but I think they've been around for about a year or so? I guess it comes as no surprise that you're unaware of it since the Gods have sent an oracle telling their temples' about the stones."

Oh… The gods can talk to the people of this World directly I see…

"So it's just supposed to give me a blessing from the gods when I bring it to a temple?"

"That's right~ You would even get to hear the Divine voice from the Goddess Uskit herself~ You are really lucky to be granted such an honour!"

I actually not only heard her voice but also met her in person, but I guess I should keep that fact to myself.

"How many people before me have come here with this Blessing Stone?"

"Hmm… I don't really keep track but I guess maybe about four so far including you? It's quite rare after all."

Four in a year… But then again, it's to this particular church and I know there are other temples located all around the city so maybe they have more. I don't doubt that there's some Off-Worlder out there hoarding the Divine Communication Stones as well, because that's definitely something I would do.

Hey, I already said I'm a hoarder, ok? I'll definitely want to keep a few of them on me just in case something happens in the future!

Not to mention the fact that Drebann already admitted there would be more updates made to the system so maybe a few more years down the road there would be more options added to the system for me to choose!

Wait a minute… I can even make a business out of this!

With the [Screened] boon, I'll be able to tell who are Off-Worlders and then offer them one of those Divine Communication Stones for a price!

Ohhh~ That's an idea~

Since I'm already planning to travel around the World anyway, I could take the role of those travelling merchants who sell exclusive goods to Off-Worlders! And then in return, they will have to bring me sweet delicacies that they find outside!

Yeah! I could even make that as my currency too! Twenty macarons of different flavours for a single Divine Communication Stone!

Maybe that's a little too cheap… I'll have to work on that…

But it's an idea!!

Sometimes, my genius is almost frightening~

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