What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 332 The Question Of Who Is Being Cucked

It was Lisa's Lumenmancy class today and I was quite interested in how the two would act with each other in class with me there.

After all… They already had two weeks where I wasn't in class and they had already gotten close enough that they're even having a secret rendezvous in the school garden.

As I neared the classroom, I found Aaron also making his way there with a small bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Oh wow… Why don't you just hang a signboard around your neck that says you are dating someone while you're at it?

He went inside the classroom and I followed after him silently.

The door was left slightly ajar so I was able to peek inside to see what was going on.

"Miss Lisa, I got these for you."

"Oh my! Aaron! You shouldn't have! Ohh~ But these are lovely!"

"Anything for you, Miss Lisa~"

"Oh my… These flowers are really beautiful, Aaron."

"But still not as beautiful as you, Miss Lisa."

I couldn't help but shudder at the corniness of the line.

There was a short pause before Aaron continued, "Umm… Miss Lisa… Are you… Perhaps…  Umm… Free this coming Obserday?"

Oh, I already know where this is going before he even says it… He's definitely going to try and ask her out on a weekend date with him.

But problem is that Lisa already asked me out on that day though.

After I came back from the Dungeon, both Lisa and Delmare said that spending an entire week being with Odeta and Katasuki was 'unfair', so they wanted to have a date in return.

For Lisa, she asked me out for this coming Obserday, so I don't think she will accept his invita--

"Oh! Of course I'm free! Where do you plan to go?"

Eh? Lisa?

"Oh, that's… That's great! I… I mean.. Er… Ahem… How about we meet at the main square at the third level of the Commoner's District? I know a really nice cafe there that we could go to!"

"That sounds like a lovely idea, Aaron! I'll meet you there at… Hmm… How about noon?"

"That's perfect! It's… It's a date then!"

"Kukuku~ It sure is~"

Huh… Is she going to cancel our date then? Did she really fall for this guy? No… That's definitely not possible considering how she was acting with him in the garden… Unless she was putting on that show because she knew I was there with them at the garden?

But how… I should have been hiding myself properly…

Ahhh… My smell! She smelt me, didn't she?!

Then… Then is she actually cucking me?

No, no, no… Calm down… Let's not jump to conclusions… Lisa told me that her Clairvoyance magic showed the both of us together in the future, so there's no way that's possible.

I waited for a while more, making sure they weren't going to start flirting again before I walked in through the door.

Aaron had already settled in his seat and the bouquet of flowers he had given Lisa was sitting prominently at the side of her desk.

I pretended to be surprised by the flowers, "From an admirer?"

Lisa shook her head, "Oh, by the Gods, no. They're from a friend of mine."

Hmm… Not exactly a lie I guess.

She also didn't seem to be nervous about my appearance as well so it either meant that she already knew I was outside the room or it didn't matter to her even if I caught her.

The class went on as per normal and neither of them flirted with each other during the entirety of the class.

Although I did catch Aaron sending her glances from time to time which she returned without trying to hide it.

When the lesson ended, I was expecting that Aaron would try to spend time with Lisa again but surprisingly she called me out before he could.

"Aster? Could I trouble you to stay behind for a bit?"

I blinked at her, "Umm… Of course. But… What is it about?"

"Mmm… I'm thinking if I should have you graduate from this class since I fear you might already be above the level of this class. This is a pretty big decision so we can discuss this in detail."

Aaron read between the lines and figured that this was Lisa's way of getting rid of me so that he could have private time with her. Thus, he made no protests and simply packed his bags before waving farewell and leaving the class.

"Shall we go to my office, Aster?" Lisa asked while picking up the bouquet.

I nodded and Lisa led us out of the room before heading in the direction of the staff room.

At this point, I was half expecting what she said to be an excuse to get rid of Aaron and half expecting this to be her attempt to get rid of me.

However, the right answer quickly revealed itself when Lisa suddenly turned and pulled me into an empty classroom at the side. She then dropped the bouquet of flowers on the floor like it was trash so that she could throw her arms around me to pull me in for a heated kiss.

Her mouth latched onto mine and her tongue immediately pushed its way past my lips, entwining itself with my own tongue.

"Mmnnn~ Kiss~ Kiss~ I missed you so much, Aster~" She whispered in between our kisses.

Yep, all my doubts about her just vanished because of this.

Mnn~ She's kissing me quite deeply too~

Her hands even started caressing my back which prompted me to do the same, the two of our hands roaming around each other's back affectionately.

We kissed each other for a good few minutes before finally breaking away from each other.

"Nnnghh… You missed me that much?" I gasped, feeling a little out of breath from the kiss.

"Ehehe~ Mnnn~ I most definitely did~"

"Well, we're going out on a date this weekend too so there's that to look forward to, right?" I pointed out, intentionally bringing the date subject up.

She giggled, "Oh yes! But we have yet to set a time and place right? How about we meet at noon at the third level of the commoner's district? There's a sweets shop near the main square that we can go to~"

Ohhhh!! Sweets!! Me want!

Eh? Wait a minute… We're meeting at the shop near the original date location that Aaron had planned aren't we? What is Lisa trying to do?

Don't tell me… She's planning to two time us during the date?

I would be really impressed if she manages to pull it off without getting caught by either of us though…

Let's just agree and see how it goes for now…

"Umm… Sure thing, though I'm not too familiar with the city yet… So I'm not sure where that place is…"

"Ahhh! Of course! Umm… In that case, let me pick you up at your place, Aster~ Ehehehe~"

Not sure why she's so excited about something like that but ok.

"Then…  I'll meet you in front of my house in the afternoon?"

"Ahh… Umm… I'll meet you in the morning so we can reach there by noon. Is that alright?"

Hmmm… Because I overheard her conversation with Aaron, I knew she wanted to meet me earlier so that she could reach the main square at her appointed time with him. Or at least that's my guess on that.

I nodded, "Alright, I'll see you in the morning."

"Ehehe~ It's a date then!" She giggled, mimicking Aaron's words to her from before.

I almost wanted to copy the words she said to Aaron as well but decided against it at the last moment.

"Umm… Should I prepare anything for our date?"

"O… Ohhh?! In… In that case… Could I ask Aster to not wear any underwear for our date?!"

I went ahead to start pinching her cheeks.

"Owowowowowow! I'm kidding! I'm kidding, Aster!! Owww!!"

Seriously… What are you? Some horny old man?

Although… Lisa going on our date without any underwear is…

"Or I can come without underwear too if Aster wants me to?" Lisa suggested right as I thought about it.

I had to stop myself fantasising about that and went to pinch her cheeks again.

"Owowowow~ Asssterrrrr~" She moaned.

She rubbed her reddened cheeks though she still sported a silly smile on her face, not minding my pinching in the slightest.

I was about to suggest that we leave the empty classroom when Lisa called out to me, "Ehehehe… Does Aster have any pressing matters to do later?"

I tilted my head at her, "Hmm? I don't, why?"

Her eyes seemed to shift and her form changed from her Mahun version to her Infrid version. She then threw something at the door which caused the latch to click into place, locking us in.

"Assterrrrr~" She purred, her iris changing into heart shapes.

Her hands reached up to unclasp the buttons of her blouse, letting the piece of fabric drop onto the floor beside the bouquet of flowers she had tossed earlier.

Her skirt soon joined her top to reveal the very distinct erection she was sporting in between her legs.

She then started sauntering towards me, making exaggerated hip movements as she got closer and closer to me.

Her hand reached out to take my hand in hers to play with my fingers, "Ehehehe~ Are you ready for some after school lessons, Aster?"

Mmm… Well, don't mind if I do~

I don't think Aaron's in her mind right now.

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