What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 378 Orc Village Subjugation

Ok, first thing.

I've now understood the difference between orcs and Wrunches in this World.

The orcs here have the pig head and fat body type instead of the green skinned and muscular type that the Wrunches are.

And instead of prioritising strength, they prioritise their libido…

Looking down at the orc village in the forest within the valley below us…

"Ahhhhh!! Nooo!! Noooo!!!"

"Urgh… No… No more…"

"Not there!! Please, not there!!"

I winced as I beheld the sight before me.

Obviously, for there to be a subjugation request out for these orcs, it means that they have done something that warranted the Guild to pay for their subjugation.

In this case, the 'something' must have been the fact that they attacked and captured some Mahuns to be brought back to their camp. What they were doing to the captured Mahuns was pretty obvious from the sounds coming from there already.

The thing was… The orcs do not discriminate between the genders… Even the males… Well… It seems like any hole on someone would do for the orcs.

In fact… It kind of looks like there's more male prisoners than female prisoners down there… I'm not sure if that was a preference or simply just a coincidence?

And the female orcs were similar in nature too… Since they were also participating…

[Name: Orc Grunt

Race: Monster


160 Strength

50 Dexterity

70 Endurance

80 Magic]

"So… It kind of looks like we're outnumbered quite a bit," I noted, counting the orcs to realise there were four orcs for each of us. "Do we have a plan or are we just charging in?"

Viera thought for a moment, "Most of them are distracted right now… I think we can take out a few of them if we are to sneak into their camp and kill them. We might even be able to avoid a fight."

So we're doing it the stealthy way huh? I can do that, but…

As I had expected, Odeta was not very keen on the idea.

"I wanna fight them! Let me fight them!"

The three members of the Free Wind Mercenary group turned to me, as though silently asking what I thought about it.

I tapped my chin, "Hmm… Odeta could serve as a distraction while we attack them from the back I suppose?"

Melissa frowned, "Why do we even need to do that though? We can just sneak in like this and kill them while they're preoccupied with their captives."

Odeta crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I don't wanna! I came here for a fight! It's pointless if we aren't going to fight properly!"

Umm… What could be considered a 'proper' fight is kind of subjective… But I know Odeta meant a head on fight where no tricks are involved.

Well… The orcs aren't really that strong anyway and I believe she could handle them all on her own too.

I waved my hand at the other three, "I think we can just go with the plan to let Odeta distract them. With her taking all the attention, we can also be assured that there wouldn't be an ambush too. And if things go south, we wouldn't be too disadvantaged either."

Sabrina gave me a pointed look, "But… Miss Aster… These are orcs you know? Individually they may be around D ranked monsters but we're dealing with an entire village of them which is why it has been bumped up to C rank."

She's worried that Odeta is biting off more than she can chew despite being an Amrap I see.

I giggled, "Ehehe~ I guess it's normal that you don't know this but Odeta here is quite well known in her village as the Dragonslayer, you know?"

They froze upon hearing my words before slowly turning towards Odeta who had her chest puffed up in pride.

"Yeah… So I doubt a few orcs would be able to be a threat to her…" I continued with a mischievous smile.

Viera nodded, "As expected of La… I mean Miss Aster's adopted sister. In that case, let's go with your plan. We will sneak in from the front and start exterminating the orcs while Miss Odeta will circle around the back of the village with Miss Aster."

I raised my hand, "I was under the impression that I would go with you though?"

"Eh? Wouldn't Miss Aster prefer to go with Miss Odeta instead?"I think you should take a look at

"Oh no, if I go with her she would not be able to have as much fun fighting those orcs, right?"

"Wahahaha! Sister Aster knows me so well! I'm leaving sister Aster in your care, ok?!"

"Ahh… To be tasked to take care of Lady Aster… If we let her get hurt we're going to die aren't we?" Melissa mumbled almost inaudibly.

Erm… You don't need to be so stressed about that, you know? I can also protect myself.

We went with that plan and Odeta left to circle around to the other side of the village which should take a few minutes for her. In the meantime, the four of us will sneak in from here and dispatch as many of the orcs as stealthily as possible.

My initial assessment was that there were twenty of them but who knows if there were more that were hidden from our sight inside the village?

With the two girls and one futa beside me, we started making our way towards the village.

"Would… Would Miss Aster like to take charge of the operation?" Viera asked as we moved.

I immediately shook my head, "Oh, definitely not. We are the ones joining your party and I'm not rude enough to ask for something like that. Please just treat me like a temporary party member and I'll follow your lead."

"Ugh…. To be leading Lady Nilm… I'm definitely going to die, aren't I?" Viera muttered under her breath, though still audible enough for me to hear.

Let's just pretend I did not hear anything…

The four of us slowly crept into the village where not even a guard was posted to keep watch, especially since it looked like pretty much every orc was occupied with raping the Mahuns they caught.

"Nooo!! No!! Don't!! I'm going to break!! I'm going to break!!"

"Please!! Nooo! I don't even swing that way!!"

"Ahhh!! I can't be a groom anymore!!"

"Arrrghh!! Why… Why is this orc's pussy so tight?!!"

I don't know how to feel about the sight of those males being raped by orcs though… And yes, there's female orcs raping them too… Though some of them were more interested in the female Mahuns instead…

Looking at the three girls beside me, they barely batted an eye at the sight, as though it was something they have grown accustomed to seeing.

I guess this must be common huh? Where they come across people getting raped by monsters?

If I'm not wrong, they say that the monsters were created by the god Hiandoca, who is also known to be the god of sex and lust in the first place so… I guess it comes as no surprise that the monsters also engage in such activities?

Please spare me from being raped though… Consent matters to me.

Viera gestured towards the orcs, "Everyone try to kill as many of them as quietly as you can, if you are spotted, regroup at the entrance and we'll fight them together. Anyone you rescue, send them to the entrance as well."

All of us nodded and spread ourselves out, making sure to keep ourselves out of sight from the orcs as we proceeded to start our extermination.

Once Odeta reaches the other side and starts her fight, we will have to abandon stealth and join the fray to surround the orcs.

I pulled out my Light Sword, which is taking every fibre of my being not to call it by a more familiar name, and snuck towards one of the male orcs that was currently looming over whom I'm assuming to be a male Mercenary by his broken armour.

"No!! No!! Please!! I won't recover from this!! Use my mouth instead! Please!!"

The orc either did not care or did not understand his words and merely positioned himself in between the guy's legs.

He moved his hips back and was about to thrust forward when my blade was thrust through his neck, my sword shining with light.

I pulled back and the orc gurgled, turning around to give me a look of anger while clutching his neck.

I was surprised that he wasn't dead yet until he suddenly keeled over onto the ground, blood pouring out like a fountain from his neck.

Did he really just live for a few seconds more to see who cockblocked him before he died? That's dedication, dude…

The male Mahun who almost got defiled looked up at me in surprise, "O… Oh! Are you here to save us?j! Quickly untie me! I can still fight!!"

I looked at his state where his clothes were pretty much torn up, his limbs were tied up tightly with ropes and he wasn't wearing any pants. Heck… Why is he even having a boner?

He looked down to see what I was looking at and he let out a shriek, "Ahhhh!! Please don't look! I don't like this ok?! It's just a survival instinct! You have to believe me!"

Hey, I'm not one to judge about your interests…

I cut the ropes binding him before nodding in the direction of where I came from, "Grab a weapon and… I guess some clothes and wait there. If we need help we'll call for you."

He nodded before running off.

It feels weird to see a butt naked dude running like that…

Oh well, moving on to the next orc…

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