What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 379 Orc Subjugation Complete

After killing the first one, I moved on to the second orc that was standing over a bound and naked girl this time.

Nearby, I saw Viera also sneaking up to another orc who was also having his way with a bound girl.

Unfortunately for these two, the two orcs were already in the midst of enjoying themselves…

What I meant was that they were already being ravaged by the orcs mercilessly.

Viera spotted me and made eye contact, both of us nodding at the same time.

I moved forward with my sword at the ready, thrusting it through the orc's neck at the same time as Viera.

The orc I just attacked let out a soft gurgle as I pulled my sword back, causing it to fall backwards and its orc cock slip out from the girl's sex.

I reached forward to start freeing the girl but the moment the ropes were loose, the girl suddenly grabbed me with a frenzied look on her face.

"Cock!! Give me cock!! I want coooock!!"

What in the world?

I tried to pull myself free but she was surprisingly stronger than she looked. Not to say that she was stronger than me but I actually needed to exert some effort to free myself.

But that seemed to only make her more manic as she tried to tackle me onto the ground, only to have Viera hit her across the back of the head and causing her to pass out.

Viera also had the girl she rescued slung across her shoulders, similarly unconscious.

"What was that?" I whispered, remembering to keep quiet.

"They must have drugged some of the girls with aphrodisiacs… We'll have to leave them here for now. They might also want to sacrifice these orcs to regain their honour."

Oh right… There was that thing where you could castrate and sacrifice your rapist to the god Nilali to… Err.. Restore your honour or something? I'm not too sure about the details since I don't have a need of it and sincerely wish that I would not have a need of it in the future either.

Maybe I can ask about it later.

We left the two unconscious girls aside and used some cloth we found to cover them. It wasn't much but it beats being completely naked.

Right then, sounds of combat and shouts came from the other side of the village.

"Seems like Odeta has already started. We killed less than I would like but I guess we have no choice but to join in now. Hopefully we can still catch a few by surprise."

She unsheathed her longsword once more and leapt towards where the sound was coming from.

To the side, I also spotted Melissa and Sabrina pulling out their own weapons to rush towards the fray.

Naturally, I joined in as well, though I decided not to use my sword for this fight and just use my fists and magic instead.

On the way, we went past several tied up Mahuns that were also victims of the orcs but we had no time to save them now.

Although there were a few orcs that seemed to be so lost in their lust that they did not even realise they were under attack and continued what they were doing.

Those orcs in particular we killed on the way.

When we reached the back of the village, we found Odeta already locked in combat with a number of orcs that had her surrounded.

Well… To normal people that might be a bad thing but definitely not Odeta…

"Wahahaha! Come at me all at once if you want! I'll beat you all up!!"

One of the orcs tried to smash his club at her head but she just reached out and grabbed the club in midair, using it to pull the orc close to her so that she could wrap her fingers around his throat.

The orc let out a surprised squeal before Odeta lifted him off the ground and above her head easily.

She let out a triumphant roar before tossing the orc aside, smashing him into another group of orcs that were standing there.

You would think that seeing the disparity in strength, the orcs might even hesitate to attack her, but it's clear that the only thing on their minds was wanting to fuck her by the looks of lust on their faces.

Well fuck all of you, no one touches Odeta on my watch! So don't you even think you can fondle those perfect abs in my presence!!

Viera was the first to reach the fight, her longsword piercing through an orc's chest from behind and causing the orc to let out a surprised squeal.

Sabrina followed in with her spear, stabbing her weapon in between the eyes of an orc that had turned around to see why its comrade was squealing, killing him instantly.I think you should take a look at

"I command the water to form under my direction. [Aqua Ball]!"

Melissa summoned a ball of water to wrap itself around the head of one of the orcs.

He panicked and tried to hit the water away but that did nothing except distort the shape a little.

Oh damn, she's just going to drown him like that.

One of the female orcs probably realised Melissa was maintaining the [Aqua Ball] spell and tried to rush her to dispel the effect.

I went ahead to intercept her by casting [Spark Strike], sending the small bolt of lightning to strike against the orc's chest.

The orc ended up being blown backwards to skid back a few feet, giving me the time I needed to charge my [Laser] which I then fired to decapitate her head.

Of course, with such a commotion, there was no way we wouldn't be spotted and the fight began once again.

Even though there were only five of us and about fifteen of them, the odds were still stacked in our favour.

The ironic thing was that the orcs were still thinking about sex so they were trying to pin us down to rape us more than to try and kill us, even when their own comrades were being killed right beside them.

With the other three, I leapt in to begin the melee.

After acting as support for so long, it's quite refreshing to be on the frontlines for a change.

Two of the orcs, a male and a female pair, rushed up to me with wooden clubs in their hands.

The look of desire was quite clear on their faces where I have no doubt they only picked me as an opponent because they wanted to rape me.

The male reached me first, his club swinging towards the side of my head.

I took a step forward, lowering my stance and letting the weapon sail above me to get past the orc's guard.

Simultaneously casting [Lightning Clad] and [Body Current] on my right arm, my strengthened and lightning enhanced fist punched towards the orc's abdomen.

I felt the abdomen of the orc cave in and the sound of several bones snapping could also be heard.

A moment later, the orc was sent flying back to crash into one of the orc huts, smashing down the wall and even bringing part of the roof down to crash on top of it.

A small discharge of electricity could also be seen coming from the debris as the orc was also electrocuted by the current running through him.

Definitely dead.

The female did not even slow down her advance despite that display. In fact, she did not even pay attention to her comrade and simply charged at me with her club raised above her head.

I leaned back and channelled the same two spells to my right foot this time, kicking it up to smash into the side of her head.

There was another loud crack as her head snapped to the side, a clear indication of her neck breaking before she spun away to crash into the same building.

Just as my feet touched the ground, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand and I quickly ducked, letting the arrow aimed for me fly past.

Huh… Seems like there's at least one orc who did not mind killing me instead of subduing me… Unless this one has a necrophilia fetish which I honestly won't be surprised if that was the case.

I turned back and fired a [Spark Strike] at the orc who shot the arrow, forcing it to drop his bow momentarily.

With that time given to me, I targeted the space above the orc and used [Link Portal], opening up a portal in front of me that I quickly jumped through.

I ended up appearing above the orc and used the same two enhancement spells on my knee, smashing it against his face and splattering his head into the ground.

Eww… Gross… I've  got orc's blood on my dress… Better wash it thoroughly when I get home…

I looked at the rest to see how they were doing and… Well… They look fine.

Viera, Sabrina and Melissa were coordinating together well to take down the orcs coming after them, which was expected of veteran Mercenaries like them.

And Odeta… She's literally picking up orcs to use them as improvised clubs to whack other orcs with…

"Wahahaha! Come and get it you stupid pigs!!"

She's so cool~ I wanna fondle her abs later~

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