What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 408 They Have Been Practicing Too?

"MOTHEEEEEERRRRR!!!" I screamed the moment I got home.

"Ara, ara? Did my little one enjoy the tea party that much?" Mother giggled, appearing from a doorway.

I could already tell from her smile that she knew exactly what would happen in that tea party and intentionally sent me there with that in mind.

I huffed at her, "Mother is bullying me!"

"Ara, ara? What is my little one talking about? Did my dearest child get bullied by those from the Teloi Family?"

"No, but Mother did!"

"Ara? How did Mama bully my little one?"

"You knew their tea parties would end up like that and then sent me there!"

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ Most tea parties within noble society do end up like this my little one~"

She then came forward and leaned close to my ear, "Did my cutest child forget what kind of World this is?"

Ah… I actually forgot about that… I let my old World's ideals cloud my judgement again…

Mother saw the look of realisation on her face and laughed, "Ufufufu~ My little one really is the cutest~ How about this? Once My dearest child has mastered this skill to a proficient enough degree, Mama will bring you out as my child to attend another tea party just so that you can see what it's like?"

I read between the lines and realised she just simply wanted to show me off.

"Nngh… Ok, Mommy…"

Well… I'm also curious about what the real thing looked like since the one with the Teloi family was… Odd… I don't even know if calling it 'odd' sufficiently explained how weird I felt there…

At least now I know that Mother was serious when she was teaching me this skill and wasn't just fooling around with me when I asked her to teach me.

Mother clapped her hands together at that moment, "Alright~ Then let's begin your second lesson, my little one! Come with Mama now~ Let's see if my little one is able to lift the cup today!"

E… Eh?! Wait!! I just came back from that tea party! Even though I was only made to orgasm a few times, it still took a bit out of me!

I didn't even get to protest as I very quickly found myself scooped up in Mother's arms before she skipped towards the classroom while humming a merry tune.

Motheeeeer!! Waiiiiiit!!



[Machine Learning] was certainly working overtime for this… I almost regret asking Mother to teach me this skill now… But I can't deny that it has its uses…

But Mother either really wanted to push me to learn this skill or she's just really enjoying this lesson herself since she kept extending the lesson past the appointed time while the maids wrung me dry as she watched.

It even escalated to a point where I wasn't even trying at the end anymore and just making love to the maids on the table until I was completely spent.

Even though Mother assured me I was making progress, I did not feel like that was true.

That's why I decided to find some people to comfort myself…

After that really weird tea party with the Teloi family, I decided to host my own 'proper' tea party with my girl friends as well. One that didn't involve someone having sex at the tea table.

Could you believe that they didn't even serve any sweets aside from just some pathetic collection of snacks at their party? Can that really be called a tea party?!

Naturally, my own tea party was filled to the brim with sweets and all the delicious treats one could wish for~

And of course, after we, ok… Fine… After I ate most of the sweets, we turned to talking about what we have been doing so far. That in turn brought up the fact that I have started my lessons in Noble Etiquette where they wanted to know every detail about it.

"Ahhhhh! You mean to say you were having an orgy party and I wasn't invited?!" Lisa screamed.

I should have known that Lisa would have this response…

Delmare tapped her cheek with a finger, "I remember Mary talking about this before… I was quite shocked to learn that most of these noble parties are basically just socialised orgies. It's supposed to be considered normal as well."

I guess… After Mother once again reminded me of this World's different values, I don't think I should be surprised about it anymore…

Lisa started to cry exaggeratedly, "Waaaa! I can't believe Aster didn't invite me to this! How could you? I want to be the one under the table and sucking you off instead! That's not fair!!"

I scratched my cheek, "Umm… I'll bring that up as a suggestion to Mother for the next lesson?"

Lisa then recovered really swiftly and grabbed my hands in hers, "Really?! Then I already can't wait! How about we have a short lesson right now?!"

"I would like to remind Miss Lisa not to disturb Mistress too much during tea time," My ever dependable Katsuki stopped her.

Lisa pouted at my maid but she then changed her attention to Odeta who was busy chewing on a steak that was prepared for her.

"So how's the third princess? Last I heard she was almost kidnapped away in the middle of the city. Is she still coming here for lessons?"

Odeta nodded quickly, "Oh yeah! She's still training really hard! Wahahaha! She's still weak but she has promise!"

My Infrid sighed, "Although I did say that problems will come because of interacting with her… But I suppose I was worried for nothing since this is Aster we're talking about."

I pouted at her, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Ehehehe~ I meant that Aster is just so awesome that a problem like the third princess can be solved so easily!"

Err… I mean… All I did was accompany her on a trip to eat some sweets outside… Then went with the maids to dismantle the cult and also kill a demon while I was at it…

Ok, I guess the last bit was quite significant since those maids who had gone to subdue the cult got completely wiped by the demon.

Delmare picked up her tea cup, "I still think the princess is interesting though. I doubt a normal girl in her position would still think about training herself to be stronger just to grasp freedom herself."

Odeta laughed, "That's obvious! Isn't it because only after you've obtained strength to subdue everyone around you that you can actually obtain true freedom?!"

Lisa shook her head, "Only you would think that way. I, for one, enjoy being by my Aster's side~ How about we get a collar and leash for me the next time we go shopping, Aster? I want to do some pet play next~"

"I'll have to pass on that…" I rejected, before my gaze was drawn towards Delmare.

No, not because she was beautiful, though that was part of the reason, but because I realised that she was sitting with the regal poise of a lady with class without even trying.

Wait a minute… She was taught by Mary, right? She must have also taught Delmare how to behave within noble society didn't she? And her earlier comment about Mary telling her about the tea parties…

"Delmare?" I called out, prompting the Siren to look up from her tea cup. "Did you… Did you also experience a tea party of your own?"

She placed her tea cup down on the saucer without the cup making a sound, "Mmm… I have not actually participated in an actual one, but the maids do hold tea party training where I would alternate between acting as the guest and a maid to learn. In fact, Lisa also started participating not too long ago."

Wait… If they're learning about that… Does that mean they go all the way as well? Like… Even the sexual part?

I was about to ask just that when Lisa stood up suddenly, "Ahhh! That's right! Why don't Aster join us for the next one?! I think that would be more fun than just the two of us! How about that?"

I didn't even know that you were participating in the maid training Lisa… Are you also aiming to become a maid or something?

Surprisingly, Katsuki spoke against the idea, "My apologies Mistress. But I will have to ask that you do not participate in their training. The course is rather rough and the ones in training are decidedly not the best. If Mistress were to participate, I fear that it might not only place stress on the trainees but also lower the quality of the service."

Does that mean you're also taking part in that training, Katsuki? What else do I not know?

Also… Is it really that big of a deal that I shouldn't go there?

I guess if the young mistress of the family were to go and personally inspect the training, they would feel more pressured to do better compared to if I wasn't there…

Lisa pouted, "Oh alright, but I still call dibs on Aster's next training session! Ohhhh~ I can't wait already~"

Delmare raised her hand, "Can… Can I join too?"

That also prompted Odeta to chime in, "Oh! Me too! Me too!"

Err… I'm ok with Delmare but I don't think Odeta should be there… But how do I turn her down?

Thankfully, Katsuki came to my rescue, "I'm afraid you can't, Odeta. You would be taking care of the princess during those times. Unless you wish to abandon the princess?"

"Nggghhh!! Fine! I'll tell her to stop coming over tomorrow!"

"No, no, no. Please don't do that, you should just focus on her or it would reflect badly on you as her teacher!" I protested. "You can join next time, ok?"

"Mnnngggh… If Sister Aster says so…"

Good, at least that's settled…

As weird as our conversations went… At least this tea party was relatively normal by my standards…

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