What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 409 I Got Three Skills From That?

I looked at my status with mixed feelings.

[Name: Aster Nilm

Title: Young Mistress of Nilm Family, Dragonslayer, Most Adored Young Mistress, Lover of Sweets, Lisa's Soulmate, Delmare's Aural Lover, Tiara's Big Sister

Race: Meslatar

Gender: Futanari


456 Strength

440 Dexterity

460 Endurance

505 Magic


Hunting (Tier 2), Cooking (Tier 2), Alchemy (Tier 1), Navigation (Tier 1), Sailing (Tier 1), Noble Etiquette (Tier 1), Authority Projection (Tier 1), Martial Skill-(Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Bow Proficiency (Tier 2), Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Polearm Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 1))

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Umbramancy (Tier 2), Electromancy (Tier 2), Lumenmancy (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 2), Hydromancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Geomancy (Tier 1), Iatromancy (Tier 1), Somatomancy (Tier 1), Astromancy (Tier 1), Infernalmancy (Tier 1)

Valour Skill:

Sixfold Multi Slash

Unique Skills:

Mind Shield


[Desensitisation: Ability to control the body's nerves to numb it from a specific feeling.]

Not only did I get the [Noble Etiquette] skill, it seems like I've also received [Authority Projection] and even a Unique Skill on top of that…

That was enough to tell me that this was not the normal way that any noble would use to get the Noble Etiquette skill…

I mean… I already suspected as much since this was Mother that we were talking about… But it's still something else to see proof of it reflected on my status screen.

For the Authority Projection skill, apparently it's a measure of how well I can successfully project an image of authority to the others around me. I think at higher levels, even if I was battered, bruised, bleeding, scruffy and all around a complete mess, I could walk into anywhere and make people think I was still someone in charge despite how I looked.

As for the unique skill that I got, it's actually rather interesting.

Like the description had already suggested, the skill allows me to numb any feeling that my body can experience which can include pain, pleasure, soreness and even lethargy albeit only one at a time.

This particular skill I believe was a direct result of Lisa and Delmare joining in on my practice sessions.

It practically became impossible when Delmare and Lisa started to join in as well since they kept using  their Sexual Skills on me…

Speaking of which… I have yet to ask them about that particular skill set yet… And I'm not sure if that's even a good idea in the first place… Namely because of what I might need to do to gain those skills.

With the two of them working together, there was no chance for me to even concentrate on maintaining my posture, much less to reach for the cup. 

It was impossible, ok?! Delmare would get turned on by my moans and inadvertently sing out in lust, which in turn would turn Lisa into an unhinged, erotic succubus who would pounce on me and bring me to climax without mercy. Lisa would not even hold back and sometimes would just straddle my lap and start kissing me in front of everyone.

Seriously though, her kisses both felt really lewd and good… There was no way I could hold back.

Plus I was already concentrating on using my [Mind Shield] to block out the effects of Delmare's song so I don't even have any leftover mental capacity to focus on correcting my posture.

That led to me figuring out that trying to 'get used' to the pleasure was utterly impossible, or at least it would take a really long time that I would not get it by the time the audience with the Royal Family came.

Then I got the idea that instead of being accustomed to the pleasure, I could somehow block it instead?

Since I already knew the [Low Anaesthesia] spell that was supposed to numb the body, I thought it would work for this. I felt that it was cheating a little but then I quickly realised it was not sufficient enough for this.

The spell seemed to also make me a little dizzy when applied on myself which inhibited my motor functions, something that was definitely not ideal since I can't even pick up the tea cup anymore.

I then tried to find ways of altering the spell and changing it to allow me to still numb my body while retaining my own cognitive functions.

Well… That seemed to have led to me learning this Unique Skill…

I tested it out when I got it and I found out a few things.

The first was that it seemed like it had its own proficiency level or something similar to that. The first time I tried using it while Lisa was going down on me, the effects were not that noticeable and it was arguably worse than the [Low Anaesthesia] spell itself since it barely prevented me from melting into a puddle of bliss.

But after I used it a few more times, the numbing effects increased in potency over time.

It was still not enough to let me withstand the combined 'assault' from Lisa and Delmare to pick up my tea cup properly, but it was a start and I was certainly improving so it was just a matter of time now.

Since I already know the extent of its use with pleasure, right now I was going to try using it to numb pain.

Of course, there's a lot of ways to test this which include putting my hand in fire, pricking myself with a needle or even letting Odeta throw a few punches at me.

Just for the record, I know that the last one would not be accepted by the Amrap in question unless it was a sparring session.

As for the fire idea… Well… No one in the mansion is going to approve of that even though we have healers on hand… Even Katsuki refused to throw a fireball at me though I suspect she would have caved in if I ordered her to, but I don't want to cause her emotional distress by doing that.

But that's fine! I thought of another way to test this and it's not only extremely painful, it's also really harmless!

The only problem is… This has a higher chance of happening on accident than actually happening if you try to do it intentionally.

I picked up the piece of paper on the table, making sure it was crisp and dry like my finger and sucked in a breath.

Bracing myself, I drew the paper across my fingertip and prepared myself for the pain… Only to feel nothing.

Damn it… This might take a while…

"Mistress… Is this really necessary?" Katsuki asked while standing behind me.

"Err… To be honest… Not really…" I admitted sheepishly. "But I do want to test out what the skill can do so that I know the limits of it. It's better than not knowing about what a skill can do when you need it…"

Katsuki seemed to agree with me albeit begrudgingly since she simply lowered her head and said nothing more.

I could tell that she did not like the fact that I was trying to hurt myself even if it's for a skill.

I turned back and braced the paper against my finger again, sliding it across the skin and… Still nothing.

Hmm… Maybe if I try it in between the fingers instead? That might work.

I slid the paper in between my index and middle finger of my right hand, using both fingers to grip on the paper to ensure maximum contact between that piece of paper and my skin.

With another sharp intake of breath, I pulled my left hand again, this time causing a wave of pain to explode from in between my fingers.

"Ahhhhh!!!" I couldn't help but let out a scream, tossing away the paper to clutch at my fingers.

Katsuki was by my side in an instant but stepped back when I waved at her.

I concentrated on the skill, focusing it to numb the pain and… It was gone.

I felt nothing from my finger even as a small bit of blood started to seep from the wound.

At first I thought the pain simply went away until I released the skill, allowing the pain to come back and hit me like a brick.

I grimaced and activated the skill again, feeling relief when the pain disappeared like it was never there.

This was not the end of course, since I need to see if this would affect my movements. There's a reason why I was trying to do it on my dominant hand after all.

I clenched and unclenched my right hand, trying to see if there's any problem with the movements.

Finding none, I picked up a pen and started to write a short paragraph of meaningless words.

Hmm… No problems either.

I turned off the skill and the pain quickly came back, though it was not as debilitating as before. I tried to write again with the pain and while it was doable, it was noticeably harder than with the skill active.

Nice~ It's quite clear how useful this skill was from this test alone.

Even if I were to be in terrible pain during a fight, I can just pop this skill off and pull off a reversal on the enemy when they least expect it~

Of course the problem was that this does not erase the fact that I was hurt, so if I were to lose all my limbs I would feel no pain but I would still be missing my limbs and possibly dying of blood loss too.

But still, this is another skill under my belt! I can't wait to try it out in a real situation!

And I already know who to try it on!

Lisa~ Delmare~ Want to have a threesome tonight?

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