What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 461 Horny Power

Chapter 461 Horny Power

The twenty Orcs were dispatched pretty easily after that.

I barely had any chance to use my healing magic since they were just that good. Like I didn't even know Delmare had that much talent with the rapier.

Odeta was still fighting the Berserker who seemed to be shrugging off most of her attacks. There was definitely damage being done to him but the monster seemed to be simply ignoring most of the attacks like he couldn't feel any pain from them.

"Odeta!" I shouted, letting her know that we were here to help if she needed.

"He's mine!!" She growled back, pouncing on the Orc Berserker to punch him in the chest.

There was the 'crack' of bones snapping while the Orc slid back a metre, only for him to immediately jump back in to slash at the Amrap with an axe.

I held my breath as Odeta leaned back until she was almost parallel to the ground, the axe narrowly missing her as it sailed past her face from above.

"Should we help?" Tiara asked, leaning on her longsword that she had stabbed into the ground.

I shook my head, "No, she already claimed that opponent as her own so she wouldn't want us to interfere. Barricade the door, I'll support her."

I felt a tug on my sleeve and I looked to see Chamie gripping on my sleeve, "Is… Is there anything we can do, Miss Aster?"

Oh? Looks like she's at least trying to get over her fear.

"Do you think you'll be able to use healing magic right now?" I asked.

She hesitated, clearly showing that she was most definitely not ready to do that yet.

I smiled at her, "No need to worry, could you just watch my back and warn me if any Orcs try to attack us from behind again?"

"Ye… Yes! Leave it to m--"

She did not get to finish her words before the gates of the stronghold were blown wide open, just like how Odeta had destroyed the ones at the entrance.

The irony was that the broken gate was flung towards the Orc Berserker who was a little late in reacting since it came from behind him.

The gate flew into the back of the Orc Berserker and smashed him into the ground, pulverising his head into meat paste.

Odeta clucked her tongue in irritation since her prey was taken away from her just like that.

She knew better than to charge towards the gate at whatever blew it off its hinges at least and stayed a short distance in front of me as our vanguard.

Delmare, Lisa and Tiara also rushed back to my side, all of us waiting for the dust cloud to clear.

A gust of wind blew past at that exact moment to reveal a single giant Orc standing at the entrance, his arms spread out to the sides like he was preparing to grapple someone.

The Orc was at least one and a half times bigger than the Berserker and its skin was completely red like the colour of fire.

[Name: Mountain Orc General

Race: Monster


490 Strength

100 Dexterity

570 Endurance

200 Magic


Leadership (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 1), Club Proficiency (Tier 2)

Magic Skills:

Geomancy (Tier 2), Aeromancy (Tier 1)

Unique Skill:

Libido Growth]

It's not that strong but… What the heck is that Unique Skill? Does it just have a really high level of libido or something?

The Orc glared at us and its eyes seemed to shine the moment it saw us, saliva literally dripping down its jaws.

I would have thought it wanted to eat us if it weren't for the fact that it had a rather prominent erection right now.

There was no doubt that the Orc was thinking of raping us.

Ugh, let's just kill him and get this over wi--

The air around it suddenly shifted and the ground the Orc was standing on cracked.


I double checked its stats again.

[Name: Mountain Orc General

Race: Monster


490 (+100) Strength

100 (+100) Dexterity

570 (+100) Endurance

200 Magic


Leadership (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 1), Club Proficiency (Tier 2)

Magic Skills:

Geomancy (Tier 2), Aeromancy (Tier 1)

Unique Skill:

Libido Growth]

What the… Wait really?! Does the skill let him grow stronger the more turned on he was?!

The Orc let out a squeal and began running towards us with his hands outstretched, not even caring that he was trampling on the dead bodies of his comrades that we had killed earlier.

Odeta roared in response and charged towards the Orc General, her hands similarly raised in order to catch the Orc to stop him.

The two of them clashed in the centre, their hands catching each other's and creating a shockwave that blasted out from where they met.

Since I already saw the stats beforehand, I was already expecting Odeta to lose in this contest of Strength.

Unexpectedly though, she dug her heels into the ground and braced herself, standing her ground and stopping the Orc from advancing.

Odeta grunted from the effort but she still managed to slowly push the Orc a step back.

Delmare and Tiara started to flank him from the sides, obviously aiming to cut him down while Odeta had him occupied from the front.

"Uwoooooogghhh!!" The Orc squealed, his body suddenly emitting steam like a boiling kettle.

[Screened] showed that his stats increased by another fifty points before he pushed Odeta down onto the ground with a sudden burst of strength.

Odeta let out a yelp as she was smashed into the ground, only to see the Orc moving closer and closer to her while sniffing her scent with his tongue out, as though he was trying to taste her.

The Amrap let out a screech of disgust before her knee came up to kick the Orc in between his legs with a resounding crack.

A howl so loud it caused the huts around me to reverberate was heard from the Orc, right before it keeled over and rolled off Odeta while clutching his crotch.

Delmare ran up to him and stabbed her rapier towards the Orc's head.

Instead of piercing through his head, however, the blade snapped off when it hit the Orc's skin, leaving only a small mark on the monster's forehead.

Tiara rushed up and tried to do the same but targeted the Orc's chest, stabbing the blade down at where his heart should be.

A metallic clang resounded and the sword that should have pierced through the Orc's chest bounced off instead.

That's strange… Even if the Orc has high endurance, I don't think it's at the level that it can deflect or break steel weapons, can it?

More steam puffed out from the Orc before a gust of wind exploded out from it, blowing both Delmare and Tiara back while Odeta fought to stand her ground while being buffeted by the gale.

"[Laser]!" Lisa chanted, pointing her finger at the Orc that was trying to rise up on shaky legs.

The beam shot out at the Orc, piercing through his leg and burning a pinprick sized hole through his upper thigh.

Oh, at least magic seems to be effective.

The Orc let out another screech and fell on a knee, giving Odeta the chance she needed to rush up towards the Orc with her fist poised for a punch.

Judging by the sparks that were hovering around her arm, she should have used [Body Current] on herself.

Her fist impacted the Orc's face with a loud bang and the monster was sent flying back like I thought he would.

I even heard the sound of bones cracking so the Orc's face must be pretty messed up now.


I jolted at the scream that came from Odeta, the Amrap crouching on the ground while cradling the arm she had used to punch the Orc.

Eh? Wait… She broke her arm?

"Odeta! Fall back!!" I yelled, just as I saw the Orc push himself back up from the ground.

His face had a small bruise on it but he was otherwise unharmed.

He took a punch from Odeta that was buffed with [Body Current] and all he got was just a small mark while Odeta broke her arm?! What is his face made of?! Do Mountain Orc Generals have some race specific skill that [Screened] isn't showing?!

Odeta retreated from the front while I frantically cast [Heal] on her. The magic was restoring her broken arm but not at a speed that I would have preferred.

The Orc had already recovered enough to advance towards us again and for some reason, his stats rose another fifty points.

Is he a masochist or something?

Ugh… This is bad… Delmare's sword is broken, Tiara's sword has proven to be ineffective against him and Lisa's chants aren't fast enough to stop him before he reaches us. Should I call out my summons or take the field myself?

Before I could decide, the Orc started to head towards us in a full sprint, drool practically flying out from his mouth as his hands made grabbing motions in our direction.

Tiara and Delmare flinched at the sight, clearly turned off by the sight of that giant monster making that face while running towards us.

Fuck it…

Time for a switch!

I leapt past my party and charged straight towards the Orc, subbing myself in as the new vanguard.

Hopefully Emilia and Katsuki can join this boss fight soon…

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