What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 462 No Lick The Meslatar

Chapter 462 No Lick The Meslatar

The steam from the Orc General seemed to increase when I came forward.

Ugh… I think the bulge in his pants got even bigger… I won't be surprised that his pants ripped from how it's straining against the fabric.

Ewww… His drool is literally flowing out of his mouth and splashing on the ground right now.

I don't even want to get close to him anymore…

I raised my palm and shot a [Static Bolt] at him, the electrical discharge shooting towards him at a moderate speed.

Under normal circumstances, the Orc should have been able to avoid the spell easily. But it looks like the Orc had all of his attention focused on me that the spell's existence did not even register in his mind.

The bolt exploded against his red skin, sending sparks of electricity coursing through his body and stopping the monster in his tracks.

I got ready to fire another spell at him when the electricity around the Orc suddenly dispersed, allowing him to move again.

What?! He managed to break out of the paralysis so quickly?!

Crap, did his stats increase again?! Is there no limit to his Unique Skill?! This is such a cheat! I want that skill too!

Actually… On second thought, maybe not… Or I'll be horny all the time…

I shot another [Static Bolt] at him before quickly firing a [Spark Strike] while the Orc was still paralysed for that few moments.

The lightning struck him in the chest and he stumbled in his advance, only to recover quickly to continue his advance towards me.

This damn monster, just how motivated he is by his own stupid libido?!

I pulled out my sword while shooting a few more [Spark Strikes] at him.

While the spells did some damage, it was no longer slowing him down anymore.

"Aster!" Lisa's voice called out from behind.

I felt a familiar build up of mana and quickly ducked my head, allowing the [Laser] from Lisa to fly past me and shoot towards the Orc with blinding speed.

The beam pierced through the Orc General's head, throwing the monster back to crash onto the floor.

Hmm… I guess I should have tried that first instead of trying to stun it…

"Nice one, Lisa," I complimented.

"Ehehehe~ Can I ask that Aster praise me by-- Aster!!"

I got a little surprised by her shout and turned back to see the Orc General that should have been dead leaping towards me.

What the heck?! How are you still alive?!

I tried to put my sword in between us but he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down on the ground.

He then picked up my wrist and slammed it down on the ground, forcing me to lose my grip on my sword and send it clattering away and out of my reach.

I tried to push the Orc off but it leaned in and I felt something wet brush against the side of my face.

It took me a moment to realise the Orc had licked me.


There were a whole bunch of inhuman screeches coming from behind me but I didn't get to see what made those sounds since I was still trying to push this monster away.

Something crashed into the Orc above me before I was suddenly pulled up from the ground.

My vision spun and something else was rubbing against my face where the Orc had licked me.

It took me a moment to realise what had happened.

Odeta had slammed herself into the Orc General and blew him off of me. Then Katsuki, who just happened to arrive at that time, had pulled me away and up to my feet before she started cleaning my face with a handkerchief.

"Mistress, are you alright?" Katsuki asked, still absorbed in cleaning my face.

"I'm… I'm fine. He only licked me-- Eh?!"

I didn't even finish my words before Lisa jumped at me and started licking my face as well.

"Li… Lisa? What… What are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning you, Aster! How dare that thing even dare to lick you?! I'll make sure that he won't ever appear in this World again!!" She shrieked.

I could tell that she wasn't doing this out of lust like usual but she really thought that licking me was going to clean me?

"Pa… Pardon me, Aster…"

I turned in the direction of the voice and another pair of hands pulled me down towards Delmare, who seemed to have decided to release her shapeshifting spell just so that she could call out to me.

At first I wondered what she wanted but then she proceeded to lick my face as well.

Eh? Eh? Hello? What are you doing? Did she also get influenced by Lisa too?


I jumped slightly at the sudden roar from Odeta, the Amrap mercilessly beating the Orc General down into the ground.

Huh?! Wait!! Her fists are bleeding!! She's definitely hurting herself while beating the Orc! But yet she's not even stopping?!

I hurriedly used [Heal] on her but she was doing more damage to herself at a faster pace than I can heal her.

"Help her!" I screamed at the others.

That prompted the others to move as well, leaving me alone with Chamie and Harge who were just looking at the scene in awe.

I was expecting them to pull Odeta away from the Orc but…

Eh? Wait… They're joining her in beating the Orc?!

Heck, even Lisa and Delmare were just kicking and punching him while the Orc cowered on the ground pathetically.

Putting aside how odd it was that my party suddenly acted so aggressively… I'm surprised the Orc General had been reduced to that state.

I was expecting the Orc to have blasted them away like how he did just now but either he could not do it or had no chance to do it since the girls just kept pummelling him from above.

Or… Perhaps that hole in his head finally affected him?

I also noticed that the girls' attacks seem to have a greater and greater effect on the Orc gradually, as though whatever was protecting the Orc from being hurt was being chipped away.

Chamie shivered, "Miss Aster… Why are they like this?"

I hesitated, "I… I'm not sure either…"

The three of us just stared at the group of girls who were still beating up the Orc.

"What's going on here?" Emilia asked, stepping up from behind.

"Oh… Welcome back Emilia, they're beating up an Orc General right now."

"Huh? Why are they even doing that instead of just killing it?"

"I don't know… I guess it might have something to do with the fact that it licked me?"

"... Oh."

I turned to Emilia since her 'oh' was said in a rather quiet voice, finding the Nekomata staring wistfully at the Orc that was still being beaten to death.

"Do you want to join in too?" I asked.

"Would you pay me if I did?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why are you making it sound like I'm getting off from this? I don't really care if you joined in or not."

Emilia actually clucked her tongue at me and I thought she would simply stand back and watch with us, but for some reason she also went forward to join in on the bashing of the Orc as well.

Ermm… Ok…

Chamie, Harge and I continued to stare silently at the scene, feeling a little awkward.

Slowly, the Orc's cries got softer and softer until it was completely drowned out by the stomping and punching from the girls.

It took about several minutes before they finally stopped, all of them stepping back to reveal the trampled and smashed corpse of the Orc General.

Wow girls… All of you really didn't hold back…


"Was that worth it?" I asked, pointing at their bloodied fists and legs.

"Of course!" All of them answered simultaneously.

Geez, does me getting licked by some Orc bother all of you that much? Didn't Katsuki already cleaned me?

Besides… It's no big deal right?

I decided not to question it and turned to the two seniors near me, "So… Do you think either of you are ready to try healing them?"

Ironic that the most damage done to our party was basically self-inflicted.

I thought they would reject it again but surprisingly, Harge shuffled forward with a hand raised slightly, "I… I would like to try."

Not only was I surprised by her, even Chamie was looking at her sister with wide eyes.

"Sis… Sister?"

Harge smiled at her, "Did you not see how they fought the Orc, sister? Even though the opponent was stronger than them, they still didn't give up. Even though they were literally hurting themselves just to beat the monster, they never stopped. How could we just give up on our dreams just because we got a little scared by the teacher?"

Err… I believe the fact that you got traumatised by such a sight was justified though… But I guess I should just keep my mouth shut now…

Chamie stared at her sister for a moment before suddenly turning to me with a resolute expression on her face, "As… Miss Aster! I wish to try as well! Could you guide me?"

Oh wow… Was that all that was needed to get you two over it? Alright then…

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