While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 335: Jessie (Heavy Gore towards the end)

Chapter 335: Jessie (Heavy Gore towards the end)

Right after being lucky, the fortune seemed to turn away and flex its ass right into my face. Being conflicted by the situation didn't even start to express my current state of mind!

But there was no time to waste. 

If Jessie, the wife of one of the workers that already lived on my island, was taken right before I entered the transfer tent or especially if she was one of the girls that I watched being taken away, there was still a chance that she might be safe!

"Do you have any way to locate her?"

Pulling Helia's arm, I instantly jumped into the run, keeping in mind only the limit of the girl's body. No matter what, she didn't even come close to being as fast as me even if her peak state, so I didn't dare to exert much more than your mortal human could achieve after a few years of hard training.

After all, she was the only one who could recognise the woman I was looking for!

"No, I need to see her face."

Just like I thought, lack of cultivation and complete focus on developing their bodies by infusing it with the energy could bring wondrous effects but lacked any ways of influencing the space around those people. At this point, I could only hope that the fortune lady was really moody, gifting me with yet another dosage of luck.

"Speaking of which, do you know where is the family or Gabriel? Or the other worker? They are already in my own dominium, so I want to make sure their loved ones are safe."

Keeping my sentences short, I had to focus to not disturb the rhythm of our dash. Even if I would be capable of bolting forward at much greater speed, the only person that could recognise them was far from being capable of keeping my pace!

"I know them, but beats me where they are. I only know that Gabriel's family managed to escape into the ruins."

Ignoring this yet another remark about the ruins, I focused on the more pressing part of her answer. 

With one family out of the picture, my immediate focus lied in Jessie, while the next logical step would be to locate the kids and wife of the other Gabriel's helper. 

But all of that could be considered at a later date since just as I heard her answer, we arrived at the starting line of the 'private' tents, where the men could drag the slave women to get some privacy.

Not willing to waste a lot of time by checking every tent one by one, I caught Helia's naked body into my arms, before digging my feet into the ground in order of stopping ourselves in place.

Before the wave of g-force managed to subdue, I already cast several shockwaves all around the place, making sure to space them evenly between groups of tents.

With just a bolt of my mind, all of the spells activated, turning what used to be a hellish inside but calm on the outside place, into the mayhem of winds and destructive forces.

In just a moment, under the influence of multiple shockwaves pushing the air from the centre to the sides and counteracting when their reach overlapped, all of the tents that I could see were torn away from the ground, leaving only the entangled figures and rugs below them as the freed cloth swirled up, high into the air.

If someone were to paint the picture of what I saw, I'm sure some of the more modernists and open in terms of sexual freedom people would call it a final heaven of the humanity, with all of the people on the ground looking as if they participated in the greatest ever, swappers orgy, while ignoring the hellish undertone of the reality that caused all of those women to be subjected to this cruel fate.

"Can you see her?"

Still carrying the girl in my arms, I forced her to turn her blushed face away from my chest and focus her sight on the unsightly look in front of us. Despite her body being stuck closely to my naked chest, the draconic reality of what was happening in the area made me numb to these kinds of stimulants.

"I can see her! She is out there!"

Pointing her fingers to a pair of the people near the centre of the entire field that looked no better as if a battle took place here just a moment ago, with some very proactive grave robbers making sure to strip every single soldier out off all his belongings, clothing included.

Since I was unable to exactly pinpoint the location that she was showing with how was this filled with lust location was, I simply dashed towards the general direction Helia's arm was guiding me towards, while making sure to correct my route as her arm continued to swing to the sides the closer we got to our final destination.

"It's her!"

With her voice filled with despair, she finally managed to lock me onto a single pair of naked people, but instead of rejoicing, I felt my mind clouding with a gale of wrath.

To some degree, I could understand how devoid of compassion all those people were. If they grew up in a land where rape on slaves wasn't stigmatised like it was back in the more modern history of still historical Europe, it could serve as a small excuse for their lack of qualms to get down with the business with the women treated as nothing more than war price, but the sight I met when I finally managed to pinpoint who did Helia pointed at, made my insides boil.

Suppressing the urge to just continue my dash and send the guy flying with a simple kick, I jumped right before arriving at my destination, only to drop down right beside the equally frightened pair.

While I could understand the terror of the woman, who was about to be raped, the fact that the thug that was going to do the act dared to show fear on his face caused by the mayhem that I created, made me want to spit on the ground with disgust.

Landing on the ground, I bent my knees to alleviate some of the impacts, while feeling the entire Helia's body tightening around me as she braved through the inevitable wave of g-force sweeping thought the both of us.

"W-who the FUCK ARE YOU!"

Suddenly turning from a trembling lab into a fearless warrior upon seeing someone who the naked man in front of me could treat as the cause and personification of the chaos that was occurring and just stopped him from getting his fair dose of hard-earned pleasure, the man-made yet another mistake.

While my mind was already brewing countless scenarios in which I would torture him to the death with many elaborate methods, hearing his response to my arrival only pushed away all the moral blockades I had for going as far as implementing some of the methods that even I considered inhumane.

But despite the rage boiling in my veins, I made sure to carefully put Helia on the ground, make sure that she was okay after the rollercoaster that I subjected her to before finally turning to the guy in front of me.

Once again, standing more than a head taller than me, he looked like someone who spent his entire life on the gym, packing more and more steroids into his muscles instead of focusing on an honest effort of bodybuilding. But the difference between earth and this world lied in fact, that no matter what, I had yet to encounter any substance that could artificially increase the muscle mass of a person!

As I slowly approached the guy, I could feel how the energy contained in his body continued to violently crash around his cells as if his body was getting ready for a desperate fight, yet I maintained my slow pace. 

While some might think that I was giving myself a time to cool my head down in order to not subject the poor Jessie into a gore that would inevitably appear if I were to get my hands on this guy with my current state of mind, in fact, I was just looking at the bloody bruises and areas that already started to turn grey and violet on her body after the relentless physical abuse she had to be subjected to just a moment ago.

As I said, I could understand those locals to a certain degree when it came to the matter of carnal pleasures. After all, I wasn't the saint myself. 

But to beat the woman that had no way of defending herself, right after she lost everything in her life?


With the pressure and hate already in control of my mind, just my voice infused with the enormous amount of killing intent was enough to deprive the guy out of all his free will.

Dropping down to his knees with his penis still hanging down between his legs The only thing that came to my mind upon seeing this enormously muscled guy, was how could I subject him into the worst pain imaginable?

"Cover her eyes."

Unwilling to let the victim experience the wonders of the gore, outside of ordering Helia to hide the scene from Jessie's sight, I enveloped the two of us into as many barriers as it took to finally block the sights of what was going on the outside.

While it meant risking the safety of the two women outside, I was sure that after this display of the strength, no one would have the balls to approach them in the coming minutes.

With the clear plan in my head already formulated, I enveloped my hand with a thin shield as to not spoil myself by touching this bastard, before reaching down and grabbing his manhood.

And giving it a warm squeeze.

Still, under the influence of my killing intent, the man couldn't move as I turned what used to be his pridehood into nothing more than a bloodied stick, squeezed as much as tight I was able to close my fist. 

But that was only the beginning of his retribution!

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