While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!



With the first step done, I used the cover of the barriers to creating a thin but long strand of the entropy, enveloped completely with a dense coat of energy, before injecting it right into what used to be the man's dindily ding. 

At first, this monster's face didn't change, since the mana alone wasn't able to change the material state of things unless the caster willed it. His journey through the lands of horrors was only about to start!

It took only a single thought of mine for the dense mana to suddenly expand, forcing the corroded remnants of this man penis to return to its former glory for a while, giving him a short respite only to suddenly implode back to what it was before it even expanded! 

As the process continued to repeat, I made sure that just a small bit of entropy would leak out inside the proper body of the mean during every cycle, slowly eating away at his innards as he experienced his manhood going through the countless torture.

There was something poetic in punishing the person in a way connected to the crime they committed! 

With my work done around this area, I moved upwards, slowly ejecting the entropy from my body, and covering his entire skin with a layer as thin as I could. At this point, I was finally able to calm down and free him from the pressure of my killing intent, allowing this bastard to finally sign the song about his insane pain with a beautiful voice filled with his excruciating experiences he was going through!

After a short while of getting my fill of his melody, I increased the amount of entropy that was eating away through his body, leaving his entire ribs and organs hidden underneath them exposed. 

It took me quite a lot of effort to keep him alive during the process!

Just the pain that he had to handle was enough to make his brain go into the state of shock, causing him to faint and forcing me to stop the fun, wake him up and kickstart everything once again.

It took me more than five minutes to turn this bastard's entire body into a stinking mess of rotting meat, with only his head with a face twisted in a grimace of insanity, left intact.

Dropping all the shields that surrounded me, I realised that everyone was standing in a wide circle, with the men reading themselves to fight with whatever would come out of my makeshift hideout, while the poor women trying to make themselves look invisible while they cast curious glances at the ongoing events.

I guess the song that this bastard just sang attracted some attention

With that thought and all its consequences suddenly appearing in my head, I shifted my eyes to the side, only to see both Jessie and Helia, hugging together while looking at me with deep reverence in their eyes.

Both, stark naked.

Both unable to hide their charms from all the males that were surrounding us!

Maybe because of how much I started to fancy this lively, brown-haired girl, or maybe because how twisted I turned right after indulging in the first real experience of torturing another living being But the sudden about of possessiveness and jealousy pushed my previous wrath away while clouding my ability to keep my rationale even more efficiently.

Raising my right hand to sweep my forehead from the sweat that I got covered with during the exercise a moment ago, I realised that for some reason I had to put slightly more effort into this simple action than I would normally do!

Only after turning my eyes to inspect the situation, I realised that I was still holding the decapitated head of the muscular guy I killed a moment ago by its remaining hair!

With the first, natural urge to throw it away, I managed to force myself to stay calm, before lowering myself down to face the two young women beside me and placing the head before the beaten up Jessie.

"This is what remains of the man that hurt you."

While the Gabriel's helper's wife eyes were still clouded as if the beating she had to suffer before made her unable to quickly understand the meaning of those words, I couldn't ignore the strange, feverish look in Helia's pupils, that keep drilling holes in my own face. With her face blushing and lips constantly caressed by just the tip of her tongue, she would look incredibly lovely with her stark naked body added to the picture, if not for the horde of primitive barbarians surrounding us!


"Anyfuckingone who dares to touch my merchandise will end like this fucker right here!"

There was no way in which I could force all of those fuckers into obedience while explaining the intricacy of the fact that I was officially only going to free the slaves from the Nakal tribe. Only by encompassing the entire crowd with my statement I could convey the message simple and straightforward enough for those primitives to understand!

While I was full bent on taking revenge for all the harm that those bastards have done, with the idea of coming back here to reclaim every other slave as soon as the most important batch would already be safe on my own island, I had to take the current situation into the consideration.

Yes, I could kill the overlord with relative ease. Yes, most of his followers would soon follow his lead to the underworld, Sheol, hell or whatever they believed that waited for the bad people in the afterlife. But in the process of doing so, not only would a lot of people end up dying in the chaos or just because of the collateral damage, but I also couldn't guarantee that I had enough energy and focus to precisely kill every possible enemy before running out of the steam!

But surely, I couldn't do so while protecting all the slaves at once!

That's why, the only viable reason for me to save as many people as I could, was to do it slowly but steadily!

"You two, come with me."

With the rug that initially served as the floor for the tent that Jessie was about to be raped in spoiled with the blood flowing out of the head of the monster that beat her up, there was no way I would use it to cover the girl's bodies. Since I wasn't keen of using material spoiled with ages long cum from all the intercourses that were taking place in this area either, I simply grabbed the rug from the nearby remnants of the tent and purged half of it with a quick manipulation of a  small strand of the entropy, before covering it with my own mana, creating the world's first, mana cloth.

Just as I covered both of the still hugging girls with this makeshift material, I realised that with the state that Jessie was in, there was no way I could ever reach any other place with how vast this area alone was!

Not willing to waste any more time on such nonsense, I ordered Heila to hug her sister in law tightly, before picking them both up as if I was about to carry two toddlers on one arm each and carrying them away as I went towards the gate of this god-forgotten location.

Regretfully, the lady fortune seemed to be insanely moody this day. Just as I reached the gate that would finally let me get back to the main street of the city and swiftly get back to the overlord's mansion, I heard an unpleasantly familiar voice right from the place I was about to reach.

"Who the hell do you think you are to act like you own this place?"

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