While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 337: Argument with the Overlord

Chapter 337: Argument with the Overlord

It wasn't strange that with all the commotion that I raised in this vital part of the entire village, the Overlord himself would pay this place a visit. When one considers not only how heated the matters turned out and how much sweet time I took to make sure the guy who dared to beat up someone I strived to save would never forget the trip through hell I put him even if his soul were to be disintegrated in whatever was waiting for people from this world in the afterlife.

"And who do you think you are to dare to spoil my merchandise? Do you really want me to just drop the formalities, burn this entire place while forcing you to watch as I rape your entire family one by one, before taking everyone who will survive the ordeal with me anyway? Don't you think that my previous offer was quite generous when compared to the only alternative that I can offer you?"

With everything that happened and all the things that I saw in this place, I wasn't willing to play by the rules anymore. Even if it were to result in more casualties, I could just compensate for it by enslaving anyone who stood on the side of the Overlord for the short moment before I would show him the difference in our strength!

Acting all innocent had its pros, but there was no way I would let this fucker make the cons outweigh my potential benefits!

"How dare you speak to me like that! I will have you fl"

"Papa! Stop that!"

Before this guy could end his sentence and sign off his life for another adventure to the lands of horrors played by the renowned entropy and pain, Elea butted in, somehow managing to overshout her own father!

Hanging her entire self from his neck with tears brimming in her eyes, she was the picture that a loving father would never want to see.

But that wasn't the most interesting bit of this stand-off. It didn't escape my eyes how the Overlord actually looked to the side, where the party from the neighbouring island was, as he was about to threaten me!

While it could only be a guess, that could be the sign that he actually wasn't the most powerful person in the room, forced to give this place to the tribesmen he was trading with!

Well, that would be something quite expected, yet too plain for me to even put it into consideration before!

With how most of the Overlord's important if not to say - strategic resources coming from the trade with those nearby islands, it should be taken for granted that those with wider and common access to better cultivating resources would present an overall greater level of strength!

"Make your choice. Do we make friends, by going with the previously proposed model while you won't try to spoil my wares before selling them to me, but instead taking the utmost care that not even a single strand of hair will fall from their heads before I order for it to happen, or do we make war and gambit who has the greatest fist, longest cock and mightiest friends?"

Even if Elea was going to attempt to calm her father, it didn't mean that I was obliged to change my tone. In all honesty, I was already quite bored with playing nice, so it would be for the best to deal with this matter swiftly.

Just like Overlord's daughter reacted to his outburst by trying to calm his down, Jessie curled in herself as far as she could while still being carried by me, but Heila only tightened her arms around my neck, as if only me being close could guarantee her safety.

"I will let you off this once, only because my daughter asked me to!"

Humping with clear displeasure, the overlord finally changed his tone to one fitted for the weaker party in the talk! 

"But what do you want to imply by taking two of MY slaves away from the camp? I don't recall ever allowing you to do so, nor gifting them to you!"

In the end, this poor fella was either unable or unwilling to give up. Be it his pride, social standing amongst his own people and the quests from the neighbouring island, I could only guess that accepting his defeat in this conflict would be akin to losing his face.

"I just took them as your goodwill gift for spoiling my mood. Do you want to say that you have any qualms about it?"

Since the words alone weren't enough to make him cave in, I infused my words with an honest dose of the killing intent that was growing inside me with every word spoken between us. I wasn't in the best mental state right now. If he wanted me to give up the only two people out of my primary targeted group just because he was unhappy with it Well, let's say I lost all my arguments against the violent solution to this matter!


While initially, it was clear that he wasn't going to agree, with my killing intent combined with even greater strength at which Elea hung from his neck finally made him give up. 

Just in time to avoid my wrath!

"Just take them as my apology for causing you trouble. Let's go!"

If the looks could kill, neither the girls in my arms nor I would leave this place ever again, but thankfully, this kind of skill was something well beyond the capabilities of the cultivators, so I wasn't worried about him suddenly gaining possession of such a deadly technique!

With the matter more or less settled, there was nothing he could gain from just standing there, so instead of putting his face at even greater risk of even more slapping, the overlord swiftly turned around while making sure as to not hurt his daughter arms still tangled behind his neck, and left-back for the mansion.

But I think he didn't realise how awkward it would turn if I were to follow right behind him!

After all, the only place I could sleep was either the wilderness or the room he granted me for the time of my stay on the island!

As my head was slowly starting to calm down after everything that had happened, I decided it would be better to wait for a moment instead of trying to provoke the overlord even further. While I was sure that he wouldn't be an opponent, with the tribe from the neighbouring island added to the picture, I didn't want to risk even greater escalation to the conflict.

So far, I could blame the entire situation for the fact that I was going to use the entire Nakal tribe as just slaves for sale somewhere else, giving me a valid reason for flaring up upon seeing how they were treated, but I could already tell that this overlord lost his patience with me!

That's why after waiting only about two minutes, I turned around and taxed the group of men that recklessly stayed in the area with an obvious meaning behind my threatening look, before finally stepping forward on my way back to the mansion.

It seems that I would have to attempt to push the business forward as soon as possible.

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