Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 473: Unstoppable Conquest (1)

Chapter 473: Unstoppable Conquest (1)

Only a month and a half remained until the end of the first stage of the Bloodforge, the blood devil trial.

If Wu Yuan only broke through to the seventh-level Domain stage of Dao comprehension, he honestly had no confidence in raising his ranking back to the top ten. There wouldn’t be enough time for him to make a comeback.

However, Wu Yuan's soul had reached the Soul Will level. With just a thought, he could probe everything within a radius of ten thousand li. One had to remember that Soul Force did not extend in a line or plane, but a sphere!

An ordinary Golden Core cultivator can probe an area of a few dozen li in radius. Let’s say their efficiency is one. Wu Yuan's eyes flashed. Someone like Gao Yun, whose soul has reached the Yang Soul level, has an efficiency of five hundred.

As for me, at least one hundred thousand!

If someone was hiding deep in a cave? The average depth of the caves along the passage was only three to four hundred li, and the deepest part was generally only a thousand li deep.

As for the width? Each passage had a maximum diameter of only thirty thousand li. As long as Wu Yuan flew through the passage, he could basically sense everything clearly, unlike some other top-tier geniuses who had to repeatedly probe the area to search for targets.

This was what gave Wu Yuan his confidence.

Right here. Within Wu Yuan's Soul Force, the intricate and complex passages in the underground caves were clearly visible, as if he was studying a maze.

With a thought, he analyzed the fastest route.

The key was that Wu Yuan's Soul Force was far stronger than that of the other participants. They had no idea that Wu Yuan had already detected them with his Soul Force.

"Little Black!" Black wings unfurled from Wu Yuan’s back. Like a streak of black light, he darted through the dark, complex cave passage.

"Someone is approaching."

"It's a second-tier Bloodforge Seed." Realization dawned on three combatants gathered in the gloomy cave. Instantly, they stood up, drawing their weapons.

Boom! Wu Yuan stormed right in. The cave resembled an elliptical sphere with a maximum diameter of about 400 li.

"Fellow Daoist, you seem to be in the wrong place." The three combatants spread out to engage Wu Yuan.

Two of them were qi refiners, wielding a variety of artifacts such as flying swords, shields, and cauldrons.

The third was a young man in black armor. He stood at the front, a battle axe in his hand.

"Not at all, this is the right place," Wu Yuan replied with a slight smile, "You participants of the immortal nation are exactly who I'm looking for."

Participants from the immortal nation who chose to hide underground rather than continue fighting had undoubtedly accumulated a substantial number of Blood Devil Tokens, at least a hundred thousand.

Boom! Wu Yuan attacked without hesitation, transforming into a hundred-zhang giant, simultaneously deploying his three ether arts.

At the same time, Little Black executed the ether art: Realm Crossing.

Simultaneously, a hazy earthy-yellow light enveloped everything in hundreds of li, nearly encompassing the entire cave.

"Seventh-level True Intent stage!"

"Nascent Dao Field. It’s a first-tier Bloodforge Seed."

"It's Wu Yuan!"

"Run." The three participants from the immortal nation finally recognized Wu Yuan from his combat tactics.

While appearances and clothing changed frequently, one’s soul aura and combat tactics were extremely difficult to alter.

Unfortunately, it was already too late!

"Die!" Wu Yuan stepped onto the air. The four sabers he swung were like four rainbow lights tearing through everything in their way.

With Little Black’s assistance, Wu Yuan's movement technique reached a terrifying speed. On top of that, Domain suppression was in effect.

Whoosh! The blade ray fell, unstoppable, knocking the battle axe out of the hands of the black-armored youth, who was also dozens of zhangs tall.

With another slash, the youth was sent flying. Blood flew as he crashed hard into the ground, his body nearly exploding.

In a flash, Wu Yuan charged directly at another opponent, a woman in purple robes. Her face was delicate, the sort that easily stirred sympathy in others.

But right now, her face was filled with terror as she frantically tried to defend herself with her flying sword.

Whoosh! Clang! Boom~ The blade ray swept across. There was a series of collisions followed by a burst of blood mist.

The woman in purple robes fell.

"One down, two to go." Wu Yuan turned to another qi refiner who managed to get hundreds of li away.

Under Domain suppression, the speed of the qi refiner dropped significantly.

"How can he be so strong?"

"It's over." The two remaining survivors were in complete despair.

They had met their Blood Devil Token quota long ago but didn't leave the Bloodforge Battlefield as they wanted to fight for the ultimate opportunity.

But now, they wanted nothing more than to leave the battlefield.

Unfortunately, the rules of the Bloodforge Battlefield were clear, if there were other participants within a thousand li, one may not leave the battlefield.

"Kill!" Wu Yuan swung his four arms, each holding a saber enveloped with a hazy glow.

In a mere few breaths, he slew the remaining two without mercy.

As the last one fell, Wu Yuan stood amidst the wreckage in the cave, his body quickly returning to its normal size. He couldn't be bothered to pick up the artifacts left behind by the three.

Their strength wasn’t too shabby. I suspect they all have the power to clear level nine or ten of the Dark Star, equivalent to the second or third-stage of real Amethyst Cradle cultivators. Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

Such strength was quite impressive. Unfortunately for them, they crossed paths with Wu Yuan, who was capable of challenging level fifteen, or even sixteen of the Dark Star.

The power Wu Yuan gained after his Dao comprehension breakthrough was terrifying beyond belief!

With his Celestial Body Dao comprehension at the seventh-level Domain stage, combined with his powerful immortal root, Wu Yuan believed he could rank within the top twenty or even top ten in the entire Bloodforge Battlefield in terms of attack power.

His already heaven-defying defenses also grew even more fearsome.

Furthermore, once Wu Yuan activated Realm Crossing in his Beast Fusion state with Little Black, practically no one would be able to escape his pursuit unless they comprehended the Wind Dao or Thunder Dao to the seventh-level True Intent stage or higher.

Hmm? I've climbed back to the eighty-ninth rank. Wu Yuan grinned, checking his new Blood Devil Token count.

Blood Devil Tokens: 982,674

Rank: 89

Not bad, just about what I expected! Each of the three contributed over ten thousand Blood Devil Tokens to me.

How satisfying. Wu Yuan's eyes held a hint of battle intent. Now, among those still on the Bloodforge Battlefield, a small fraction are relatively weaker participants who haven't gathered enough Blood Devil Tokens. The rest have over ten thousand, or even over a hundred thousand Blood Devil Tokens.

Kill! Let’s see if there’s anyone on the Bloodforge Battlefield who can stop me now. Wu Yuan’s heart blazed with fighting spirit.

Spreading his wings, he turned into a streak of light, darting out of the cave.

He extended his Soul Force, enveloping everything in thousands of li. Soon, he found more participants in hiding, sixteen of them this time. Wu Yuan chose once again to unleash slaughter.

Probe with Soul Force, select targets, kill!

His Blood Devil Token count surged!

His upper dantian lobe, previously emptied of blood mist, once was quickly refilled.

I need to accumulate more blood mist before battling with Gao Yun or Ao Qi. Wu Yuan had a foolproof plan in his heart.

What did those with strong defenses fear most? Encountering multiple waves of attacks!

In a prolonged, continuous battle, no matter how slowly one’s ether was consumed, there would come a point when it was exhausted. Thus, the blood mist’s ability to recharge ether was crucial for Wu Yuan!

Moreover, Wu Yuan was keen to accumulate blood mist to its limit to determine if the black pagoda would undergo any special changes once more.

As time went by, no one could escape detection by Wu Yuan's Soul Force, nor could anyone withstand Wu Yuan's saber, regardless of how many participants gathered.

It didn’t matter whether it was a group of geniuses ranked in the ten thousands working together or a peerless genius ranked within the top thousand. Wu Yuan's response was the same – kill anyone in his path!


Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm, observation space of the Redmoon Division.

A large number of Void Refiners like Protectorate Xiong Yuan, as well as numerous Earth Immortals and High Immortals, were all staring at the Blood Devil Token leaderboard.

"Wu Yuan."

"Wu Yuan has made his move, his Blood Devil Token count has just broken one million!" cried out an Earth Immortal in shock.

In an instant, all eyes were drawn to the name that ranked close to the top - Wu Yuan!

Wu Yuan had been the center of attention in the observation space since the battle started.

Everyone hoped that the participants of their respective divisions would perform well. The better the performance, the greater the benefits they received, and the more prestige they would gain.

The three most dazzling peerless geniuses of the Redmoon Division were Wu Yuan, Bai Li, and Shui Heng.

Among them, Bai Li had already been slain by a peerless genius from the immortal nation.

Shui Heng barely broke into the top ten thousand, struggling desperately to survive, while Wu Yuan seemed to be wasting away in the last few months, his rank constantly dropping.

But a skinny camel was still bigger than a horse. Even though his rank kept dropping, Wu Yuan was still placed among the top hundred, and remained one of the most dazzling participants in the Silvermist division.

"His Blood Devil Token count is moving again."

"Did he kill another participant?"

"He's now ranked eighty-seventh."

"Barely any time has passed."

"After resting for a few months, is Wu Yuan finally making his move?" Nearly ten thousand spectators in the observation space began to stir with excitement.

Was Wu Yuan about to let loose once more?

After just ten breaths.

"His Blood Devil Token count has risen again."

"Wu Yuan is back to massacring."

In the span of just one day, thousands of spectators in the Redmoon Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall transitioned from excitement to stunned silence, then to holding their breaths. And finally, to numbness!

The reason? Every few moments to a quarter of an hour, Wu Yuan’s Blood Devil Token count would jump up a notch. This indicated that Wu Yuan was on a relentless killing spree, a frenzied massacre! One after another, the other participants were falling under his saber.

Simultaneously, Wu Yuan's Blood Devil Token rank also rose at an astonishing speed.

Seventy! Sixty! Fifty! Forty!

In one day, Wu Yuan had climbed from the nineties back into the top thirty, and his rank was still skyrocketing at an alarming rate.

The surge in his Blood Devil Token count was unparalleled and spectacular. Even Ao Qi and Gao Yun, recognized as the strongest participants, only managed to increase their Blood Devil Token count by less than a tenth of his over the same period. Wu Yuan was unstoppable.

"Bloodforge King!" Standing at the front, High Immortal Wu Tian’s eyes shone as he exclaimed. "Wu Yuan, the Bloodforge King!"

There was a moment of silence.



"Wu Yuan, the Bloodforge King!" The entire observation space erupted.

Even these immortals, revered and powerful figures among countless cultivators, were finally shaken by Wu Yuan's terrifying outburst.

The Bloodforge Battle took place fairly frequently, once every hundred years. Most immortals had witnessed hundreds, if not thousands, of Bloodforge Battles. Yet in their eyes, Wu Yuan's performance was nothing short of miraculous.

With his exceptional talent and young age, he erupted with astonishing power at the onset of the battle, charging forward fearlessly and securing a place in the top ten.

Just as all eyes were on him, he seemed to lose his drive, his performance falling into decline.

Then, as Bloodforge Battle neared its conclusion and everyone thought there would be no major upsets, Wu Yuan burst onto the scene once again.

With unprecedented speed, he was heading straight for the ultimate first place!

A miracle.

It was a heart-stopping miracle!


The countless spectators in the Redmoon Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall were shocked yet wild with excitement, all cheering for Wu Yuan.

Meanwhile, the spectators from the other thousands of second-tier divisions of the Bloodforge Devil Hall, and even those from the countless factions of the Silvermist Immortal Nation, were simply dumbfounded.

"Too exaggerated."

"How could his Blood Devil Token count rise so quickly?"

"Absurdly fast."

"This is abnormal."

"The blood devil trial will end soon. Even though the battlefield was reduced to around ten million li, the number of participants also drastically decreased. Normally, finding even a single participant would prove extremely challenging."

"Even if Wu Yuan had all the strength in the world, he would still need to find all those participants to acquire their Blood Devil Tokens." Many spectators from various factions were puzzled.

Seeing their 'genius disciples' fall to Wu Yuan, some immortals from the immortal nation began to hurl accusations, claiming that the trial was rigged.

However, few paid them any attention. The Bloodforge Battle had been held hundreds of millions of times without error, how could it be rigged?

Nevertheless, Wu Yuan's stunning performance astounded them all.

"Why do I feel that Wu Yuan's talent is not any worse than Zhuo Haiyue and Li Xia of the immortal nation?" Finally, a High Immortal couldn't help but voice his thoughts.

This immediately garnered nods of agreement.

"Yes, his power is terrifying."

"Wu Yuan is unquestionably a peerless genius that the Bloodforge Devil Hall’s Silvermist Division only sees once in a hundred thousand years."

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