Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 474: Unstoppable Conquest (2)

Chapter 474: Unstoppable Conquest (2)

"A hundred thousand years? No! In our Silvermist Division, his talent ranks among the top three in the past million years." Astral Lord Yin He’s robust voice resonated, his eyes sparkling with light.

Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm, Silvermist Plane, Archimmortal observation space.

At this moment, tens of thousands of Archimmortals and Astral Lords were all watching Wu Yuan's mind-blowing performance!

While the Earth Immortals and High Immortals could only make speculations, these Archimmortals and Astral Lords were able to observe the entire battlefield.

They understood why Wu Yuan was able to go on such a rampage, accumulating staggering numbers of Blood Devil Tokens in such a short time.


"His soul is terrifying. A body refiner, merely in his fifties, has reached the Soul Will level? Remarkable," an Astral Lord couldn't help but exclaim.

"If I remember correctly, it's been over two million years since a Spiritual Body cultivator from our Silvermist Division was able to reach the Soul Will level."

"Mm, indeed."

"Once in a while, a Golden Core cultivator will be able to reach the Soul Will level. Qi refiners are more adept in the aspect of soul cultivation."

These Archimortals and Astral Lords had immensely long lives, their experiences and perspectives far surpassing those of Earth Immortals and High Immortals.

Yet, they were still amazed by Wu Yuan's performance. Considering his age, he possessed extremely fearsome talent.

"His Dao comprehension aptitude is also exceptional. Despite his youth, he has reached the seventh-level Domain stage of the Celestial Body Dao."

"And he has a second-degree immortal root."

"What Yin He said is quite accurate. 'Once in a hundred thousand years' isn't enough to describe him. Among the geniuses that have emerged from our Silvermist Division in the past one million years, he's in the top five at least." These Archimortals and Astral Lords made their assessments.

"I remember that the Silvermist Immortal Nation recently produced two peerless geniuses, Zhuo Haiyue and Li Xia."

"Yes, those two are indeed dazzling."

"Compared to them, Wu Yuan isn't far behind. He can be considered a peerless genius of the same caliber." The Archimortals discussed amongst themselves.

Compared to the Silvermist Immortal Nation, the Bloodforge Devil Hall's Silvermist Division was weaker in terms of overall strength. The standard of geniuses they produced was also lower.

Therefore, when considering the past million-year history of the Silvermist Immortal Nation, Zhuo Haiyue and Li Xia’s talents would rank in the top twenty, perhaps top ten at most.

But Wu Yuan could be considered one of the top five, or even top three talents in the past million-year history of the Bloodforge Devil Hall's Silvermist Division.

"Wu Yuan has broken into the top twenty of the Blood Devil Token rankings."

"His killing efficiency is far greater than Ao Qi's. As long as he's willing to keep killing, taking first place won't be difficult."

"He's got enough time."

To the many Archimmortals and Astral Lords in the Bloodforge Devil Hall, Wu Yuan might not be the strongest in the whole Bloodforge Battlefield, but with the breakthrough of his soul, the range of his Soul Force gave him an overwhelming advantage.

And the soul was, after all, a part of one's strength.


While the spectators were shocked by Wu Yuan's performance, the peerless geniuses in the Bloodforge Battlefield who paid close attention to the Blood Devil Token rankings also noticed Wu Yuan's astonishing performance.

Just two days after Wu Yuan's resurgence, he re-entered the top ten of the Blood Devil Token rankings, and showed no signs of slowing down.

"He's really aiming for first place!"

"How did he do it?"

"Could it be that the other participants are lining up for him to kill them?" These peerless geniuses were both shocked and puzzled.


In a passageway.

A young man in black robes cut through the sky at an astonishing speed, his body faintly surrounded by green qi streams. He swept his Soul Force through his surroundings, looking for other participants.

Wu Yuan! As he watched the rankings, a hint of fighting spirit appeared in his eyes.

The Archimmortal once said that you pose a great threat. I didn't believe it at the time. How strong can a guy who has only been cultivating for a few decades be?

It turns out that you really are the biggest threat.


Ranked sixth now?

Slaughtering so quickly? Gao Yun controlled his flying swords, hunting down several combatants.

At the same time, a strand of his consciousness checked the changes on the leaderboard. Wu Yuan's Blood Devil Token count skyrocketed without stopping.

Did he make a breakthrough in his soul? Gao Yun remembered the moment their Soul Forces collided during his last clash with Wu Yuan.

He was a qi refiner and had cultivated for far longer. Yet during that collision of souls, he took the lower hand.

But even if you have made a breakthrough in soul level, how did you dispose of those ranked in the top hundred so effortlessly? Gao Yun noticed that several peerless geniuses ranked in the top hundred had either been killed by Wu Yuan or forced to use up their retry opportunity.

There was no doubt about it.

You have grown stronger. Gao Yun's eyes shimmered with a cold light. But no one can stop me. No one!

The title of Bloodforge King is mine. A burning desire filled Gao Yun's heart.


As days passed, Wu Yuan's Blood Devil Token count continued to increase, breaking directly into the top five! Then four!

Third! Second!

On the sixth day of Wu Yuan's resurgence, his Blood Devil Token count surpassed Ao Qi, taking over as the new first place on the Blood Devil Token leaderboard.

From start to finish, this journey was nothing short of a miracle.

Countless spectators were in an uproar.

In the long history of the Silvermist Division's Bloodforge Battles, there hadn't been such a thrilling event in a very long time.

After reaching first place, Wu Yuan’s killing streak did not falter, and his Blood Devil Token count continued to surge, quickly widening the gap between himself and his rivals, Ao Qi and Gao Yun.

Days slipped by.

In a blink, only half a month was left until the end of the blood devil trial, the first stage of the Bloodforge.

Within a passageway in the center of the battlefield, atop a folded mountain range, the wind howled. The vast earth was a desolate, endless expanse.

Wu Yuan sat in lotus position, silently regulating his breathing.

For a month, he had been indulging in a killing spree.

Battle after battle with talented individuals, especially those with peerless geniuses ranked in the top hundred, served as rare opportunities for him to temper himself, accelerating his progress of comprehending the Celestial Body Dao.

In between the battles, Wu Yuan also deeply contemplated his saber techniques, striving to integrate the profundities of the Celestial Body Dao into it.

Getting closer and closer to ten million Blood Devil Tokens, I never thought I would actually get this far. Wu Yuan thought. He checked his Blood Devil Token count.

Blood Devil Tokens: 9,436,635

Ranking: 1

This was an absurd number. The more than nine million Blood Devil Tokens represented countless participants dying at Wu Yuan’s hands.

It was worth noting that the second-place Ao Qi decided not to continue with his killing spree after some time. His Blood Devil Token count was just above four million.

Wu Yuan's Blood Devil Token count was more than double that of Ao Qi's, a testament to Wu Yuan’s frantic slaughter over the past month.

I’ve killed tens of thousands of participants, including quite a few peerless geniuses. A chill flashed in Wu Yuan's eyes and he shook his head slightly. It's a pity that no new anomalies occurred after the blood mist reached its limit.

Opportunities only came by once! However, this one opportunity was wondrous enough to make Wu Yuan tremble.

I’m rather unlucky. I’ve yet to come across Ao Qi, Gao Yun, and the others thus far. Wu Yuan frowned.

Wu Yuan had shown no restraint when he went on his murderous rampages. Yet, the vast Bloodforge Battlefield was simply too large, or perhaps some invisible influence prevented these peerless geniuses from crossing paths.

Hm? Wu Yuan's pupils narrowed abruptly. His Soul Force, maintained at a range over thousands of li, picked up on a participant passing by.

This participant was flying at an incredible speed.

Who is this? Ah, it's him! A flash of excitement and fighting spirit flickered across Wu Yuan's eyes. Finally, I've been waiting far too long.

Boom! Wu Yuan suddenly stood, soaring into the sky. Without hesitation, he unleashed his terrifying aura, sending waves of spiritual qi rolling outward.

This was the quickest way to attract an enemy’s attention.

Whoosh! Guided by his Soul Force, Wu Yuan charged straight toward his opponent.

With their keen eyesight, everything in a distance of thousands of li was clear to them.

Thousands of li away, the black-robed young man, who was originally flying at high speed while probing his surroundings, had come to a stop. A gale howled, and the young man's black robes flapped in the wind.

Upon seeing Wu Yuan, he didn't flee like the other participants. Instead, he looked like he had just found his prey. A joyful expression appeared on his face.

"Wu Yuan! After a long and fruitless search, I found you without even trying. You came to me yourself," the black-robed young man growled, his entire body enveloped in a hazy green light.

His speed then surged as he bolted towards Wu Yuan.

In just a few breaths, the two peerless geniuses halted about three hundred li apart from each other, fixing their gazes on one another.

"Ao Qi?" Wu Yuan's deep voice echoed out.

"Wu Yuan?" The cold, icy voice of the black-robed youth answered, his eyes fixed on Wu Yuan.

"Ao Qi, this is our first meeting, isn't it?" Wu Yuan's voice was filled with fierce determination. "Defeating you is my ticket to obtaining ten million Blood Devil Tokens."

"Good, I was thinking the same thing." Ao Qi's eyes burned with intensity. "After defeating you, the rest are not even worth mentioning."

"There will be no one left to stand in my way of claiming the Bloodforge King title."

From just a short exchange of words, these two peerless geniuses felt each other's unwavering determination and resolve.

There was no need for more words. A great battle was about to begin!

At this moment, thousands of Archimmortals and Astral Lords in the observation space of the Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm watched the upcoming battle with intense focus.

This battle was, without a doubt, the most significant one in the history of Bloodforges.

It was a direct confrontation between the first and second rankers. More importantly, it was a fateful collision between the current leading contenders from the Silvermist Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall. The outcome of this battle would determine the final Bloodforge King.

"Attack!" Ao Qi burst into action, transforming into a hundred-zhang-tall giant. He was engulfed in an ethereal green light, with three heads and eight arms sprouting from his body. His aura instantly intensified.

Advanced ether art – Three-Headed Eight-Armed Form!

A layer of hazy green light enveloped Ao Qi, and a wave of green qi streams crashed towards Wu Yuan.

"Haha, attack!" Wu Yuan also exploded into action, unleashing four advanced ether arts. Wielding four sabers, he charged towards Ao Qi with a battle cry.

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