Indestructible God King

Chapter 145.2 A Safe House (2/2)

Chapter 145.2 A Safe House (2/2)

Tong Anan and Zhu Yans cheeks twitched for a while before they turned around in frustration. They returned to the previous junction, and only then did they realize that some directions were indicated by the tunnel wall. One path led to Tunnel, while the other to the Safe House. They were in such a rush that they walked toward the safe house without noticing the directions.

Damn it! the two cursed almost simultaneously. Neither knew if the other was cursing at Wang Ke or each other. Neither of them spoke further and kept on pursuing Wang Ke while heading in the direction of the Tunnel.


Beneath the Empress' Residence

Wang Ke led the Golden Crow Sect disciples down into the tunnel, but he was utterly annoyed by them. These Golden Crow Sect disciples are insane! Why do they keep talking about giving Zhang Li'er and myself their blessings? What nonsense!

I told you guys already. Im already spoken for! Why are you trying to forcefully make us a couple?And Zhang Li'er! Shes not even trying to stop them. All of a sudden, he looked toward Zhang Li'er while realization quickly dawned upon him.

Ohh, I get it now! This is the scheme youre going for! Wang Ke muttered as he looked at Zhang Li'er in shock.

What scheme? Zhang Li'er was a little stunned by the comment.

What scheme? Humph! A womans heart is like a pin in the ocean. Stop playing tricks with me! Pretending to be angry with me, but you secretly asked your juniors to brainwash me into getting together with you! Zhang Li'er, you are too crafty! Wang Ke said, irritated.

Bullsh*t! Im going to kill you now! Zhang Li'er glowered at Wang Ke and was about to act.

Senior sister, senior sister! Please stop. If you wish to banter, please do so when were in the clear! Senior brother Shenxu is dying already! Two junior sisters held Zhang Li'er back.

Zhang Li'ers eyes bulged in anger. Darn it!

Quick, quick! Follow me! Wang Ke hurried the group.

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And so, they traversed through the tunnel for quite a ways before they reached the mouth of a well.

See that? A tunnel under the well connects with the Great General's Residence. Take this token with you; pass through this tunnel and show this when you reach the building. Youll be free after that! Go wherever you wish from then on! Wang Ke passed his token to a Golden Crow Sect disciple.

The one that received the token asked, Arent you leaving with us?

Nope. Zhu Hongyi and Zi Bufan will suspect me if I leave with all of you. I will return and pretend I know nothing! Once you get out, dont tell anyone I rescued you. Ill be in big trouble if the news reaches Zi Bufan and the other demons ears! Wang Ke explained. After that, he turned around and ran.

Bunch of troublemakers! I must have had eight lives worth of bad luck to have been compelled to save you! Ptooey!Okay, okay. Now that Ive pushed away those jinxes, I can finally play Mahjong and have fun again! Wang Ke happily disappeared into the tunnel.

Of course, none of the rescued cultivators knew what Wang Ke was actually thinking; they looked at his back while moved by his heroism.

Eldest apprentice-sister, did you see that? Wang Ke is helping us to cover our escape! He gave us safety while risking his life to face the demons! He saved us! a junior sister exclaimed emotionally.

Wang Ke did all of this just for you, senior sister! Although he said those heartless words, Im sure he did so because he didnt want us to worry about him! He didnt want to burden us emotionally! Eldest apprentice-sister, you made a good choice! You found someone worth entrusting your life to! another junior sister said with tears in her eyes.

Eldest sister, Wang Ke disregarded his safety for your sake! Dont quarrel with him anymore! None of us will laugh at you! On the contrary, we are all envious of you! another junior sister chimed in.

Zhang Li'ers face was black as the bottom of a pan.

F*** this sh*t! Who the hell likes Wang Ke! Who!? I really want to kill him now. Right now! Zhang Li'er scowled at her juniors.

Okay, thats enough! a junior brother stepped in and chided the other juniors, Eldest apprentice-sister doesnt have a thick skin. You should know better than anyone! Stop talking about this! Let them settle their own matters! Dont be such busybodies!

Everyone dropped the subject.

Zhang Li'er: .............................!

Zhang Li'er was bubbling up with rage, seeing how persistent and oblivious her juniors were. Freaking hell!

Eldest apprentice-sister, we should leave quickly. Our senior brother is really dying! another junior brother urged.

But Zhang Lier said, My brother can still hang on for quite a while; I can see it. You guys go first; return immediately to the Golden Crow Sect and get our Sect Lord to heal him; just smash open his isolation room if hes in seclusion and tell him I ordered you to do it!

Ahh? Smash the door open? The juniors were shocked to hear that.

Just do it! Zhang Lier repeated herself with staring eyes, If anything, I will carry the responsibility. If the Sect Lord is not around, just smash the doors to enter the elders residences. Understand?

Yes, yes. Understood! The juniors acknowledged, still feeling surprised.

Eldest apprentice-sister, what about you? Arent you going back too? a junior brother asked.

You guys leave first. I still have something to settle. Zhang Li'er urged them.

But! That junior brother was still feeling unsure.

Okay, please shut up! another junior brother reprimanded the latter, Eldest apprentice-sister said she has something to settle, so let her be. Cant you see? She wants to go and find Wang Ke. Why do you have to make her say it? Were all safe now, cant Eldest apprentice-sister go and settle her relationship problems? You sure are a busybody!

Zhang Li'er: .............................!

What did you say? Who said Im going to find Wang Ke to fix relationship problems? Zhang Li'er was furious.

No, nothing; we didnt say anything! Senior sister, well be making a move first; please go ahead and do your thing! But be careful! That junior brother quickly backed off and hid among the rest.

Those juniors carried Zhang Shenxu through the tunnel underneath the well and left. Only the seething Zhang Li'er remained standing there.

Damn it. Were they all brainwashed by Wang Ke? Theyre all crazy! Zhang Li'er cursed in irritation.

She turned around and looked in the direction Wang Ke used to leave.

Humph, dont think our slate is clean because you saved us just now! We were captured precisely because of you! Its only right for you to save us! And how dare you sully my innocence! The last time was at God Wang Tower. Now its time to settle our score once and for all! Zhang Li'er muttered in anger. She flipped her hand and a bat appeared, then she moved to pursue Wang Ke.

But halfway throughZhang Li'er realized something, This wont do. Knocking him out would be too obvious when I take his money. I need to cover my face!

She then used a head cover to conceal her face. With bat in hand, she went after Wang Ke, preparing to knock him out and rob him blind.

Just like Tong An'an and Zhu Yan, Zhang Li'er was unfamiliar with the tunnels.

Once she moved further in, she found a junction that forked into two paths.

Zhang Li'er was stunned. A junction?What should I do now?

She then saw the words inscribed on the tunnel walls. On one side, it said, Safe House, and on the other, Tunnel. Zhang Li'er was worried about taking the wrong way, but she suddenly noticed a silhouette of a person by the junction. That person was crouching by the junction and looked straight into the Safe House direction, as though he or she was waiting for something.

While moving in the dim tunnel, she was unable to recognize the persons back. Wang Ke?Theres no way you can get away this time! She sneaked behind that person and became excited when she saw the exposed nape of that persons head. Such a nice head! What a nice place for bat swing practice!

Zhang Li'er put on a sinister smile as she raised her bat. Then, she swung it with full force

Her prey immediately felt a sense of unease.

Oh, sh*t! That person turned around.


The bat landed squarely on that persons head. That person was Zhu Yan. He was just keeping watch, not expecting a masked individual to assault him from the back. It was a headshot given by a pinnacle Golden Core cultivator using her full strength; how powerful would that be!

Ambush! Zhu Yan cried out in despair.


Ahhh~~~~~~~~~! Zhu Yan let out a miserable cry before the bat rendered him unconscious.

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