Indestructible God King

Chapter 146.1 The Gold Dragon’s Warm Gift (1/2)

Chapter 146.1 The Gold Dragon’s Warm Gift (1/2)

Royal PalaceAn underground tunnel!

Wang Ke sent off the Golden Crow Sect disciples and joyfully made his way back!

Its all Zhang Li'er, that woman! Why do you have to let everyone know that you are wooing me? Its all your fault that I had to risk my life to save you! Or else my reputation would be lost! Sigh! Forget it. I finally sent those jinxes away! Why do I even have to do this! Wang Ke shook his head and reprimanded himself.

And while he was returning through the tunnel

Booom, booom, booooom!

He heard loud explosions coming from somewhere above. The impact was so powerful it felt as though it would crush the tunnel.

Wang Ke looked at the tunnels ceiling and felt worried.

The battle is right above me? The gold dragon is no longer escaping? Please dont smash things while Im here below! The tunnel would have already collapsed if it werent made with concrete! What bad luck! Wang Ke muttered, feeling annoyed.

He quickly shuttled through the tunnel and reached a forked path.

Others would have missed those signs, but not Wang Ke. One side led to the Safe House, while the other to the Tunnel.

Tsss, I drank too much water today. Im quite sure everything is in ruins on the outside now, and itll be hard to find a toilet. I shall settle the number one here, since theres a safe house equipped with a toilet! Wang Ke walked toward the safe house.

But shortly after he walked looking forward to relieving himself, two figures were anxiously walking toward the junction. It was Tong An'an and Zhu Yan who were in hot pursuit for Wang Ke.

Quick, Im not sure if this tunnel can withstand the battle above! Lets go find him quickly. Theres another junction further ahead? Lets go by the Tunnel side! Tong An'an urged his partner.

But Zhu Yan asked him to stop and said, No, dont go there. I saw that someone was walking toward the Safe House!

Safe house? Wasnt that a dead end? Ever since we entered the place, weve found three safe houses already! Tong An'an questioned in disbelief.

Its true. Right when I was turning just now, I saw someone walking in that direction! Zhu Yan reassured Tong Anan urgently.

Search Hosted Novel for the original.

How can that be? Wang Ke came underground just to hide in the safe house? He must be crazy! Doesnt he know that the tunnel might collapse at any moment? Tong An'an said with a stare.

But Zhu Yan reasoned with a frown, Why would he come down when he knows the tunnel might collapse? Why are you so sure that he wont go to the safe houses?

Uhh? Tong An'an didnt know how to answer the question.

Yeah, why am I so sure that Wang Ke is not hiding in one of these underground rooms?

Tong An'an, trust my eyes. I clearly saw that someone went there! That could be Wang Ke! We finally found him! Zhu Yan persuaded his partner with excitement.

What if hes not? Tong An'an asked.

No loss, no fuss. You go in and look while I keep watch in the junction so that he doesnt escape! Zhu Yan suggested seriously.

Tong Anan gazed at Zhu Yan for a while before nodding in agreement.

Keep an eye out. Ill head to the safe house and take a look! Tong An'an said.

Dont worry! Ill be waiting here for you! Zhu Yan nodded.

And so, Tong Anan treaded carefully toward the safe house.

While Zhu Yan hid by the junction and watched his partner leave

Tong An'an, to be honest, I just didnt want to go with you!I saw him clearly; it was indeed Wang Ke who went inside!Go in and fight him with your life on the line!Hahaha!I dont know why, but Ive always been the unlucky one whenever I acted against Wang Ke. I shall be smart this time and just watch from afar; thats enough for me, haha!Wang Ke, I look forward to seeing you dead! Zhu Yan thought excitedly.

He fixed his eyes toward the place where Tong An'an went, looking forward to what was about to happen.

But suddenlyhis heart felt uneasy, and his hair stood on end. He could sense danger looming over him.

Oh, sh*t!

Zhu Yan felt something was off and turned around immediately.

When he didhe saw a person wearing a head cover and holding a bat in their hand. The latter swung the bat to bash his head powerfully.

Ambush! Zhu Yan cried out in shock.

It was too late to fight back, though. He took a heavy blow to the head.


Ahhhhh~~~~~~~~~~! Zhu Yan let out a cry of misery before passing out.


Tong An'an also readied himself with a bat as he walked in the tunnel that led to the safe house; he tip-toed toward the address carefully. He wanted to use an enchanted artifact for that mission. Unfortunately, he lost all his wealth and possessions ever since he met Wang Ke. That was the reason why he could only do it with a random bat.

Tong An'an walked up to the safe house with extreme care.

Theres really someone inside? Tong An'an was surprised.

The safe houses door was left open. The sound of flowing water could be heard from the washroom inside, accompanied by someones joyful whistling.

Is Wang Ke the person inside? Tong An'an gripped his bat tighter in expectation.

When Tong An'an was about to barge inhe heard Zhu Yans cry from behind.

Ambush! Ahhh~~~~~~~~~~~!

Zhu Yans warning shocked Tong An'an.

Ambush?Was the whistling inside the safe house done just to distract me?

Does it mean that Zhu Yan met with danger?Was it Wang Ke the attacker?

Oh crap!

Turning around, Tong An'an quickly rushed back to where Zhu Yan was.

He readied his trusted bat and quickly reached the junction, where he noticed someone who wore a head cover and held a bat. He then saw Zhu Yan lying on the ground, unable to tell if he was still alive.


Tong An'ans instinct was to attack first, so he waved his bat toward the person wearing a head cover.

Die! Tong An'an cried out.


Zhang Li'er was wearing a head cover as she went to find Wang Ke. But she mistook Zhu Yan for Wang Ke and smacked the crap out of him from a back position.

Zhu Yan was very vigilant; he managed to turn around and cry out, Ambush! Ahh~~~~~~~~~~~~!

After a painful cry, Zhu Yan passed out from the hit.

Zhang Li'er gazed at her victim in a daze.

What is happening? Theres someone else? Wheres Wang Ke? Zhang Li'er muttered to herself in astonishment.

DidI hit the wrong guy? It was her first time hitting the wrong person.

Just when Zhang Li'er was about to check her unconscious victimShe sensed the wind coming from the darkness in front of her, and she readied her guard.

Die! A man in black leaped out from the dark tunnel to attack her.

He forcefully swung his bat at Zhang Li'er.

What? Zhang Li'er was shocked. Is someone trying to knock me out with a bat?You have no idea who you are dealing with!

Zhang Li'er received the attack with her own bat.


Given the overwhelming crushing force of two Golden Core cultivators, their bats burst into powder. Both realized their opponents power and assumed their hostility; none of them took the opponent lightly. They immediately followed up with palm strikes.


Their palms met with a powerful explosion and the resulting shockwave sent out a powerful gust of wind through the tunnel.

What? Both were shocked.

Zhang Li'er wore a head cover while Tong An'an hid his head with a black hood. Given the dim environment, neither could clearly see the other, but they did notice the other persons prowess and neither dared to withdraw their hands. And so, they stood facing each other; their clash of power sent out huge blasts of air in all directions.


Inside the safe house

Wang Ke shivered with the easing of his bladder and walked out of the bathroom.

I feel so light-hearted after sending those jinxes off! Im really happy! Haha! Wang Ke laughed as he walked to the safe houses door.

He could still hear loud explosions above him as he walked back.

This ley line dragon must be crazy! Is it banging the floor with its head non-stop? Cant he at least bang its head somewhere else? What if the tunnel collapses on me? Wang Ke grumbled.

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